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TopCheesecakeGirl t1_iwu2wr2 wrote

What a brilliant idea to share this information with the world. Won’t give ANYONE any ideas! 🤓


Mochme t1_iwv6wwt wrote

I know you're probably joking but if you aren't this is such a stupid take on this whole thing. If a bad actor wanted to sabotage biosecurity of a pathogen research institute there are a million other ways (directly smuggling material out of the lab, physically sabotaging air filtration systems) that don't require extended periods of blasting noise that would alert everyone who is now aware that can compromise BSL3 and BSL4 clean zones (biosafety zones). This Knowledge is highly important to ensure disease research labs keep their research code of conduct safe within the context of the actual physical world we live in. Not within the context of a mission impossible movie.


porcodoi t1_iwv113t wrote

Would you rather:

A: everyone know this and enable every country to take precautions or ways to detect these things

B: only one or few countries/individuals know this and could unleash it without anyone knowing what's going on

It's similar to nuclear weapons: better if everyone has them than if only one country does


Goodnitenite78 t1_iwv4hjq wrote

I mean that's kind of how security works. Make everyone aware of it so they can take the appropriate measures to protect their systems.