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SnooDoggos4906 t1_iyavb5a wrote

First of all their study is in New England. No offense to New Englanders but their idea of a long drive is a Texans run around the corner to the grocery store. It will be the similar with a lot of other larger states. I also feel like this assumes every parking place is going to be a charge or decharge station.

Not saying there isn’t a potential here but seems very early days to get remotely excited about this.


Legal-Department-765 t1_iyca37m wrote

And that is why different places have different solutions for the same problems. This is definitely something with enormous potential. Maybe not for Texas or some other states. But definitely for New England and other major urban areas. Also Europe and China.

Just because it doesn’t apply to Texas doesn’t mean it’s not promising. Maybe Texas will have a massive amount of solar, Brazil will have a massive amount of Hydro. To each their own


SnooDoggos4906 t1_iycv740 wrote

I agree with you. But what I tend to see is a ot of shortsightedness by people sating “This is IT!! “ and people do NOT realize what works in their little corner of the world won’t work everywhere. Thank you for actually applying some brain power and realizing that is what I was saying!!!