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QuevedoDeMalVino t1_iwc1wdx wrote

When did ever electric mean boring? I think almost every electric car out there is quite fun to drive owing to their instant response and usually plenty of power.

If we are not building and buying overwhelmingly electric cars, it is for other reasons. Not at all because they are not quite fun.


[deleted] t1_iwc3ykf wrote

Not going to lie, I'll miss the sound of an ICE when EV's are standard. Even if EV's have better performance, ICE cars will always feel more powerful.


pilgermann t1_iwcc2ou wrote

Feel, but EVs leave ICE in the dust. If you really wanted you could artificially introduce some rumble, kind of like how they artificially increase noise to warn pedestrians. But ICE is dead for so many good reasons.

Edit: Just to add, as someone who's lived in cities most of my life, I will not miss the constant roar of cars. Such a nuisance.


Aquatic_Ape_Theory t1_iwekoxi wrote

There will be a bunch of tough guys with vibrators under the seats of their EVs in 10 years


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iwc9u48 wrote

Fun doesn't come from power and acceleration my dude. It's a different thing, difficult to put into words.


pronouncedEeeAn t1_iwcaofg wrote

You do realize this is your preference, not everyone's?


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iwcifk3 wrote

I think it's pretty obvious that both my comment and what I am replying to are two different subjective views of the word "fun".


bitfriend6 t1_iwcmwx8 wrote

It was boring 20 years ago when electric meant golf cart performance. Tesla changed this. Older people (who conceivably wrote the article and who design cars and who run car companies that aren't Tesla) haven't caught up and still think of modern electric cars the same way they did when they were 16. Basic entry-level Ubers now beat Corvettes, we live in a different era where EVs are already the preferred rich person car and not a weird hippie thing.


despitegirls t1_iwcuy59 wrote

I for one am waiting for more affordable, "boring" EVs.