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ToothlessGrandma t1_iy7wcls wrote

You're not accounting for the fact that the world hasn't caught up the digital age. Right now it's still the wild west on the internet, and there really does need to be heavy conversations about regulation and what the future looks like so we're headed in a good direction. There needs to be accountability for someone who goes online and starts telling random users on reddit they're going to kill them, higher punishments than a simple ban.

What Elon Musk is doing right now is a good reason why there should be laws in place for safe guard people. Letting things run unchecked is just as bad as regulation, possibly even worse. Look at the damage trump has caused. Long lasting damage that will be felt for decades. Or Alex Jones. None of that is a benefit to anyone.


Fando1234 t1_iy7wzqq wrote

>There needs to be accountability for someone who goes online and starts telling random users on reddit they're going to kill them, higher punishments than a simple ban.

But in your example here that is already illegal in the UK. And under existing legislation platforms are already required to take it down and report it.

Any incitement of violence, threats or hate speech is already illegal. Online and in real life.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy7x3q1 wrote

Illegal and taking action are two entirely different things. I can guarantee you there are thousands of people from the UK who go online every morning and troll people with things like this and nothing is done.


BigEyeFiend t1_iy83h3i wrote

Oh no! Trolls! If only there was, I dunno…a block button or something?!?


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy845zz wrote

Don't you have a trump rally to attend?


BigEyeFiend t1_iy866al wrote

“A-A-Are you suggesting people t-take personal agency??? You m-must be a TRUMPER!”

Bruh. Grow up.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy86glk wrote

But im probably right.

Even through the internet I can get a feeling on if someone voted for trump.


BigEyeFiend t1_iy896wz wrote

Shouldn’t that sadden you, then?

That the people you think voted for Trump are the people who advocate for personal agency? 😂

My view is this - give people a block and mute button. Remove people who are doing anything illegal. That’s it. That’s all you need to do.

If you want to be babysat that’s your issue.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy89buh wrote

Nope. Regulation. Please.


BigEyeFiend t1_iy8b5mb wrote

Explain that logic to me.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy9kr5m wrote

Why do you hate accountability so much?


BigEyeFiend t1_iy9zb2n wrote

Or don’t. OK.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iya0c6i wrote

When you can answer me why you're absolutely terrified of being held accountable for what you post, then we can have an honest talk.


KingOPork t1_iyaglnw wrote

I'm a lefty who is terrified that having 10 year old lefty free speech views makes you a Trumper. "We need to limit speech so the government can easily stop dissent and to make every place more corporate ad friendly." Great. Cool.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iyaihwe wrote

Do you think you deserve the right to harass people online? Because that's what you're saying


KingOPork t1_iyak54r wrote

I think people want to harass and keep their political opponents from being able to do the same. When I bully its justified and speaking truth to power. When they do the same? It's time to legislate.


The-sly-goat t1_iy8a2hs wrote

Let’s assign a FBI agent then to everybody then lol


Soylentee t1_iy8aeag wrote

There is a time and place for regulation, this isn't it.