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ToothlessGrandma t1_iy845zz wrote

Don't you have a trump rally to attend?


BigEyeFiend t1_iy866al wrote

“A-A-Are you suggesting people t-take personal agency??? You m-must be a TRUMPER!”

Bruh. Grow up.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy86glk wrote

But im probably right.

Even through the internet I can get a feeling on if someone voted for trump.


BigEyeFiend t1_iy896wz wrote

Shouldn’t that sadden you, then?

That the people you think voted for Trump are the people who advocate for personal agency? 😂

My view is this - give people a block and mute button. Remove people who are doing anything illegal. That’s it. That’s all you need to do.

If you want to be babysat that’s your issue.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy89buh wrote

Nope. Regulation. Please.


BigEyeFiend t1_iy8b5mb wrote

Explain that logic to me.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy9kr5m wrote

Why do you hate accountability so much?


BigEyeFiend t1_iy9zb2n wrote

Or don’t. OK.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iya0c6i wrote

When you can answer me why you're absolutely terrified of being held accountable for what you post, then we can have an honest talk.


KingOPork t1_iyaglnw wrote

I'm a lefty who is terrified that having 10 year old lefty free speech views makes you a Trumper. "We need to limit speech so the government can easily stop dissent and to make every place more corporate ad friendly." Great. Cool.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iyaihwe wrote

Do you think you deserve the right to harass people online? Because that's what you're saying


KingOPork t1_iyak54r wrote

I think people want to harass and keep their political opponents from being able to do the same. When I bully its justified and speaking truth to power. When they do the same? It's time to legislate.


The-sly-goat t1_iy8a2hs wrote

Let’s assign a FBI agent then to everybody then lol


Soylentee t1_iy8aeag wrote

There is a time and place for regulation, this isn't it.