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Ok_Tax7195 t1_iy4zhx4 wrote

Depends on the comments. Negative comments tend to accurately reflect the human condition and challenges that people face, where positive comments tend to be "put on a happy face and pretend everything is fine", which is harder to identify with.

That's making it more black and white than I intend, since some negative comments can be straight up toxic while some positive comments can offer a better life perspective or motivation, but you get the general idea.


Fenix42 t1_iy5cjcx wrote

>Negative comments tend to accurately reflect the human condition and challenges that people face, where positive comments tend to be "put on a happy face and pretend everything is fine", which is harder to identify with.

That all depends on your mental state. If you are in a happy place, positive posts will be easy to identify with. If you are in an unhappy place, negative posts will be easier to identify with.

The kicker is, a negative post can more easily shift people from happy to unhappy then a positive post can shift people from unhappy to happy. This is true outside of social media as well. People are more willing to believe negative things said about themselves over positive things. We are out own worst critics.