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ToothlessGrandma t1_ixlkwae wrote

Do you think one day we'll be able to use this technology and be able to effectively communicate with Republicans to understand what's going on in there?


[deleted] t1_ixlnms0 wrote

Sorry, I‘m an EU citizen and therefore not entitled to participate in such conversation ;) But to calm you: We‘re dealing with exactly that issue here since I can remember. We even got a sayer for that:

Please translate yourself via google translator - it won‘t let me paste the translated page-link on my phone.


grumpyfrench t1_ixlwj18 wrote

Search result for "it can't be what mustn't be ?


[deleted] t1_ixmhh26 wrote

yes and I guess that every language has got it‘s own version of it. I‘ve just found it a perfect match and definition of that attitude.


wedontlikespaces t1_ixmlwc7 wrote

It happens because some people tie there self worth to an opinion. Especially if that opinion is really stupid.

If someone has been in that they don't like cheese there probably going to be willing to accept that other people liking cheese is normal.

However if you change cheese to "divisive politician here", that goes out the window.


Prineak t1_ixluc68 wrote

No that’s an art problem, not a language problem.

Their shrinking communities will cause their language to become increasingly esoteric, and meaning will become more fluid until they all become poets.


fundahl t1_ixp9ekq wrote

That sounds like you have issues communicating, not the other person's fault.


[deleted] t1_ixln0pe wrote



CertifiedFLGoogan t1_ixltztu wrote

Careful lol. This is a leftist sub. You won't get far.


Orbital666 t1_ixluoly wrote

Progress by definition involves iterating outside of established norms into new directions and ways of thinking. Conservatism is ideologically opposed to progress, so yes, this is a leftist sub. Society is leftist. You want conservative government, go to Iran. They love traditional values.


CertifiedFLGoogan t1_ixluuvn wrote

There we go. Couldn't be more wrong. But I can't blame you for zeroing in and focusing on the crazy. Hell some conservatives do it also with your party. There is always extremes. Not every conservative is how you think. It's sad you feel that way.


Orbital666 t1_ixm20m2 wrote

Again, you’re triggered. No one asked you to engage in this discussion but you were so bothered that you had to say something. Was it worth it? Did we learn anything? Has anything demonstrably changed? Fucking no. I hope you grow from this.