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Rodiruk t1_ivmjv3x wrote

Lucky you. I can tell you it happens to the other manufacturers as well, from first hand experience. Except when it does, you gotta take the car to a dealership instead of just doing it at home.


rasvial t1_ivmwxy6 wrote

You're missing the point- why is their software shipped out so eagerly requiring recalls? It's great it's a software fix, but how many miles were affected Tesla's driving around with that?


Rodiruk t1_ivmx8i2 wrote

No, you're missing the point.

The point is, this stuff happens to ALL companies. This is not exclusive to Tesla. Yet we only see posts about Tesla on this site.

I literally have a power steering column recall with my car that is not a Tesla. But since it's not a Tesla, you don't hear about it.

My wife's car has an issue with the transmission where you weren't really in park even when you put it in park.

I also have a bug with the dash requiring a software update. But I gotta bring it in to the dealer to get it updated.


rasvial t1_ivmxg18 wrote

You're on a tech subreddit. What would you expect?


Rodiruk t1_ivmxlie wrote

Ah so other cars have no firmware or software in them, got it.


rasvial t1_ivmxrsj wrote

Calm down, replying doesn't require a downvote.

Pull the stats on software related recalls then? It's one thing having a wonky volume knob, another losing steering. Software related recalls (or even headaches) come up on here all the time- I recall a lot around bmw seats for example.


Rodiruk t1_ivmy1t3 wrote

I don't need to pull stats. You pull them. What I said is I have first hand experience that this happens across the board. I mentioned no stats.


AyBruhBee t1_ivmyhig wrote

Theres recalls out there now that dont even have a fix ready. Recalls are such a common thing im pretty sure this guy has never owned a car or checked for recalls and thinks they only happen if theyre on the front page of reddit


Rodiruk t1_ivmz131 wrote

One of my favorite recalls was for my 06 mustang. I had issues filling up the gas tank. When filling up, it would kick off when the tank was only half full. There was a design issue with the gas tank.

Fords recommendation was: Use a different pump


E_Snap t1_ivmxxp2 wrote

I’d expect moderators to be able to recognize the difference between hatesturbation and legitimate criticism and moderate accordingly.


rasvial t1_ivmy2n9 wrote

It's neither.. it's an article? Why would that mean "hate"


E_Snap t1_ivmziq0 wrote

I’m talking about the comments, not the article