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rontrussler58 t1_iws8nub wrote

You know there are no laws saying a large corporation has to allow subordinates to do skip-level reviews. C-suite could just not do them if they didn’t value the data so doing them in such a way that causes retaliation and bad blood is extremely counterproductive. Not saying it never happens but I’ve been working for a fortune 50 tech company for almost a decade and have never heard of such a thing.


NoLogonServAvailable t1_iwsdkxv wrote

>You know there are no laws saying a large corporation has to allow subordinates to do skip-level reviews.

So what is the point of this statement? No one was discussing laws we were discussing how employees won't give bad feedback for their managers because they risk getting fired when the manager finds out.


>C-suite could just not do them if they didn’t value the data so doing them in such a way that causes retaliation and bad blood is extremely counterproductive.

They use the data to find out who to get rid of and what pay raises to give out for the year. Companies like Amazon are constantly hiring and firing people and they use this information for exactly that. See if you can grab some person that just got out of college and offer them a large paycheck and stock options (that take 4 years to fully vest) you can run them dry and burn them out after 2 years with a PIP and save the company a boatload of money from not having to give out the stocks year 3/4. Seen this happen sooo many times it wasn't funny how they play with peoples lives. Even Jeff Bezos thinks people are inherently lazy so they have policies in place to turn over people easily.

"He pointed to a short-term employment model and performance trackers to keep workers on their toes."


>Not saying it never happens but I’ve been working for a fortune 50 tech company for almost a decade and have never heard of such a thing.

Good for your company, I've worked for a Fortune 5 tech company for 6 years and this is pretty common place and I have plenty of data points that show that this does happen. Just because you never heard it or never experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen and you don't get to tell other people their experiences don't matter...

I once had a manager ask me "If you walked into an elevator and Jeff Bezos was in it and he asked you What you did for the company this year? what would you say?" my response would be "Sorry I am currently on lunch break right now".