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StrongNectarine t1_ixuvc5f wrote

Wouldnt the process of sending the power down to earth be again weather dependant? Or what am I missing here?


EmbarrassedHelp t1_ixv2oz5 wrote

Depends on the frequency used.


StrongNectarine t1_ixv32z7 wrote

Which frequency do we need then to be weather Independent and meanwhile not heating up the atmosphere?


TThor t1_ixvi6uk wrote

Heating up the atmosphere wont be much of an issue. The fact that the beam is functionally an orbital weapon could be a bigger issue


StrongNectarine t1_ixvocx4 wrote

After thinking about it a bit, my main question is how to be sure that only the receiver is hit by the beam and no one and never will be able to 'hack' the system to use it as a weapon.


Skyrmir t1_ixw4y1n wrote

You can't make it 100% safe. It's no different than the nukes around the world right now. They're as safe as the governments watching over them. And most likely the best place to put a ground station for something like this is the Sahara. Far less of a problem with weather. But a bit more politically problematic.


Willinton06 t1_ixw7xb4 wrote

Damn North Africa just can’t get a break when it comes to its energy production


2Punx2Furious t1_ixwvx14 wrote

> to be sure that only the receiver is hit by the beam and no one and never will be able to 'hack' the system to use it as a weapon.

You don't. Nothing is "hack proof". If it can be controlled from the ground, it can be hacked. Even if it can't be controlled, someone might find a way.


No-Paramedic7619 t1_ixxztsb wrote

Remembering faxes that when scanned actually containedalicious code embedded when converted into the digital format by the old school PTSN fax machines.

Warning description may be slightly off with how yhe fax machines and faxes were used as malware on corporate networks but I'm thinking it was back 2010-2016 time frame. So you can think your air gapped and then usb scan a picture printed from a fax machine and potentially still become infected or have your machine contain a bot it just won't reach the internet but should be scary AF for security researchers.

I think if we look at any spectrum for data transmission (abd I mean format not frequency spectrum specifically) but USB versions, RF transceivers or transmitters and receivers, old non-broadband, cellular infrastructures, network infrastructures built on current rj45 based and fiber networking all the way to satellite based and low frequency 900mhz up to 5 ghz and beyond all have some some weakness somewhere or can find a weakness in combination with other technology that device or system uses.

We have to work 10x harder than the hacker now especially people sell cryptolockers, private info and botnets on the dark web although I do think tor and .i2p are needed for people to feel safe online once they are more user friendly. At least firr .i2p where tor browser is user friendly but you gotta do your due diligence on dns potential vpns or multiple no log vpns etc. C hanging identities and randomized MAC IDs and dns and PGP encryption.


Nymphaelotus t1_ixxqj7q wrote

Every day we are getting closer to a death star.


MoreOfAnOvalJerk t1_ixxs4tu wrote

Its a dyson sphere (energy collecting part) AND a death star (energy transmitting part).


Nymphaelotus t1_ixxt505 wrote

It would be cool if the death Star actually had a sun in the middle of it but I believe the lore says that it has kyber crystals or something? (Not sure)


Westerdutch t1_ixvcwv2 wrote

> and meanwhile not heating up the atmosphere?

Interesting shower thought; Rerouting any solar energy that would have otherwise not hit earth down to earth will always heat up the earth faster than it otherwise would have regardless of the method or frequency used to do so. This change probably will not be very significant though (drop in the ocean kind of thing) but its not zero.


TheDaneTheMan t1_ixwa6e0 wrote

Yes but It would heat the earth less that burning fossil fuels ☺️