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UnkindlyDisagree t1_iych2p6 wrote

Now I expect a bunch of downvotes with no real reply, but is there any proof at all that TikTok poses a security risk?

The US can't just make up accusations without bringing tangible proof.


Wings1412 t1_iycprv9 wrote

There is lots, if you care to read it google is your friend.

Small warning though it is fairly technical so if you don't know much about software it might not make any sense.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iycqmta wrote



EmotionalPlum2102 t1_iyctm1u wrote

You people really confuse me. Google is a search engine


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iydqik1 wrote

Yeah and there are no proofs. I wanted to see what that idiot had to say.

Magical ways to steal data from American servers /s


EmotionalPlum2102 t1_iycq43v wrote

In 2020 the U.S. military banned TikTok. There’s your best security breaching proof you need.


scavengercat t1_iydibgo wrote

According to, it was only banned on government devices. Troops on military installations can still use it on personal devices.


IdonTknow1323 t1_iydmmw6 wrote

Not as much as people make it out to be. The app is really just a chromium browser that loads the TikTok website. It's really not doing anything that other social platforms aren't. The biggest concern is data collection potentially going to China, but keep in mind the US version operates under a US company, ByteDance, on well-known Oracle servers.