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Fault_tolerant t1_iwbtguj wrote

This is the next series of companies that I believe will be good investments in. Once this tech is available mainstream and price competitive with natural grown meats, it will take off like crazy. Most people wouldn't care if it was cultured or natural, just that it's $5.00 / lb vs $7.00/lb.

Also I want perfectly rectangular chicken strips that re not made of pink slime.


8to24 t1_iwbwlbi wrote

The amount of resources currently required (feed, water, energy, land) for our current production methods is not sustainable. Not environmentally or economically. If we can produce a product using less resources that is as nutritious than it's a no-brainer. That is what we should be doing.


kwereddit t1_iwc5cak wrote

If this is successful, which it will be if it can imitate the texture and taste of animal meat, it will free up millions of acres of farmland devoted to raising animal feed. This farmland can then be re-wilded to grassland and forest which will suck up huge quantities of carbon dioxide.


Shooter2970 t1_iwc8n55 wrote

If it is plant based I would have to argue that it was alive and we killed the plant to make the fake meat.


j0u t1_iwc98r7 wrote

What about imitating nutritional value? People always talk about texture and taste, but meat comes with a variety of other things that are good, if not essential, for us.

Edit: nvm I actually read the article real quick, but keeping my comment.


Decimator714 t1_iwca3bi wrote

You're totally right. Once they dial in mass production of this stuff, as long as it tastes good no one will care if they can get the cost way down.

We're almost at 8 billion people now...


Digital_Simian t1_iwcojzu wrote

It's still the same meat, just grown from a culture instead of slaughter. Texture and taste is a concern because fat distribution and muscle development is a big factor in that which is not as easy with tissue grown in a lab. Otherwise it's basically the same meat.


TheHunter920 t1_iwd27ik wrote

It's not coming to the average consumer anytime soon. It still costs more than $100 per serving, and the average consumer isn't going to pay that for just one burger.


[deleted] t1_iwddii8 wrote

Great, as if rural areas didn’t have enough economic problems. Now let’s destroy farming.


Gold_Rush69 t1_iwem9ye wrote

Finally, an end to vegan virtual signalling.


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iweoego wrote

It will. In fact, because of the source, they will be able to make consistently high quality meat from the best stocks forever.

The first will be ground beef for patties, meatballs, bolognese, etc. That would replace everything from fast food to a major staple across the entire food chain -- a huge environmental win for everyone.

But they are already growing full steaks now...


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iwepif4 wrote

That's the real kicker...volume production will keep dropping the price -- something that isn't environmental viable with living animals.

And it can be done anywhere in the world at the same high quality.


Modsda3 t1_iweprl2 wrote

As a recent vegan I am as well. My personal switch from meat as the centerpeice of every meal was a perfect trifecta of religious/moral/health reasons that made ditching animal products effortless for me. Meat actually kind of makes me nauseas now, so knowing how great I am without it I think I will end up skipping it. I'm down the last most stubborn pounds and have a six pack for the first time since HS. I have a lot more energy and sleep better. And most important of all my mood has leveled out and I am much calmer and unhurried for some reason.


dontpet t1_iwfkayg wrote

This just released video by Tony Seba gets into the food transition. His earlier videos cover energy and transport and are critical viewing for anyone wanting to have your for rapid environmental progress.


Serasul t1_iwfv8d0 wrote

Its an s-curve you dont know what i mean with this ? OK than never ever use the Term "Not anytime soon" again based on an short time View of an technology.


SioSoybean t1_iwg7li9 wrote

I’m the same, I’m glad it will be available for other people, but I would never go back because I feel so much healthier without animal products. I’m glad it will be available for those who don’t want to cut them all out.


Modsda3 t1_iwh6la9 wrote

Have proof of this? It may be anecdotal, which is maybe what you meant, but that doesn't make it any less true. Humans aren't carnivores. We aren't meant to eat so much meat and dairy. It's why our country is so incredibly unhealthy. Now those are facts, as unpopular as they may be.


Serasul t1_iwhoxpk wrote

meat is unhealthy because of all byproducts it contains because of overproduction

as an example we all eat antibiotics when we consume meat or we even eat grow hormones when we eat meat. Meat fresh from an animal that also had not eat,drink or breath any toxins is not only safe its no problem for our body.

labMeat will be even better than fresh meat.