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Candid-Bike8563 t1_j0248ue wrote

These companies should be sued and this practice should be illegal. This could be abused easily.

For example, knowing how much you make I can fill your feed with bias information and/or misinformation on products you need.

I know you have a baby and I know how much money you make so I am going to feed with media on why very expensive diapers are better than others. I will use emotion too like tell you how the cheap ones hurt your baby without specifically stating

Then after been exposed and been “informed” by content creators I will start showing you ads. First I will set it slightly too high then lower it so you will feel your getting deal and you buy it. Oh and the prices are specifically set based your data.

This should be illegal.


randalthor23 t1_j06tke6 wrote

I have always thought that we could solve this issue with regulation. It would function something like this:


  • The collected data is own it.
  • Corporations have to ask your permission to use it
  • Corporations have to ask your permission to sell it (ie: they cannot sell it if you dont approve of the sale)
  • They have to tell you who is buying your data, and the new corporation inherits the same set of responsibilities for their copy of your data.
  • When content is presented to you using your data, you should be able to right click (mobile long press) to view what data elements were used to identify this should be targeted to you.
  • If your data is stolen/accessed/modified during a breach you need to be notified within 30 days.


Now, thats not something that can just easily happen, but I do think this might actually be a valid use case for blockchain technology. It should be able to be used to create a leger for your data, track it, and provide the info needed to tie you to it ensure they can contact you about it. This would also allow you to "opt out" with a flag on your data that would just stop corporations from even asking your permission to sell it.


The idea here is transparency & control over the data, rather than blocking the collection entirely. I do believe there are reasons it can be useful, however without transparency to the user this can EASILY used to manipulate us.