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acprocode t1_j1kyk80 wrote

Thats not at all what I am saying. I am actually saying that them moving in with microsoft would be worse as a consumer. Microsoft has a significant stake in gamepass and their subscription services. They have every reason to offer exclusive content on gamepass and ensure the game down 5+ years stays within their ecosystem (they currently have only promised a 3 year contract with Sony). I honestly want to see gamepass crash and burn as I see it as anti-consumer in the medium to long term.

I don't see gamepass as the future and I frankly think itll go down the same path as netflix within the next 2-3 years as day one releases pick up (they will create gamepass tiers for day 1 games vs delayed releases), the subscription prices will eventually devolve into it being less valuable going month to month vs buying a yearly subscription, and they will be hiking the price going into 2023.

>It’s just gonna be more of the same

You cant really make this arguement in good faith when one team literally owns the damn studio and IP.


LazyAnonBoner t1_j1l1uai wrote

Actually, Microsoft had a good record of broadening access to their IP, not just in games. They know it’s easier to sell a license than to convince you to buy a specific box and then a license.