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Calm-Zombie2678 t1_j1lro9j wrote

>I honestly don't see gamepass as the future as I know well from experience that all subscription services always turn to shit

I really fear this future, and it's inevitable too. Currently priced for growth but give it a few years once growth in customers slows but the growth in profits is still demanded like with all the streaming services atm


Requiredmetrics t1_j1lv0b9 wrote

The US does not have the internet infrastructure to support the kinda of speeds needed to have this sort of subscription service gobble up the majority of the market share.

It isn’t unheard of for rural communities to have 3mbs download speeds.


Calm-Zombie2678 t1_j1lx95l wrote

I live in New Zealand, so very lucky with internet but we've been dealing with their splintered licensing since Netflix launched with some seasons of a few shows here while ligtbox had some seasons of some shows and go fuck yourself if you want to watch a whole show on one subscription


Requiredmetrics t1_j1lz431 wrote

The internet sounds great but the subscription set up sounds horrible.


Calm-Zombie2678 t1_j1lzd8l wrote

Sailing to Tortuga with a bottle of rum has always been a go to for me so I remain un effected, in fact I've saved money lately because it's the more convenient option lol