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IvanDrag0 t1_j2agmri wrote

I mean yea what else would they interested in?


9-11GaveMe5G t1_j2arjtf wrote

Agency data or installing ransomware, according to the article.


gizamo t1_j2bcb8b wrote

Agency data is typically accessed with the credentials.

But, there's also valuable info that doesn't require credentials. Hmmm. I'll allow it.


One-Weather-740 t1_j2awauh wrote

A shame they never played Runescape to learn the basics of phishing


bbatwork t1_j2b1ziy wrote

And about 50% of those employees probably fell for it.


TakingPostsLiterally t1_j2bxawn wrote

Ya think?


0RGASMIK t1_j2cihjm wrote

Right? What’a the other 50% MFA attacks? I work in IT and in business and really the only type of phishing we see is looking for credential/MFA. Occasionally we see people phishing for credit cards but usually it’s a user who use their work email for personal use. Personal phishing attacks are much more likely to try and get Cc numbers.


CO_PC_Parts t1_j2byvdo wrote

The easiest way to get someone’s password? Just ask for it.


Rare-Birthday4527 t1_j2cmec6 wrote

the brain. their brains are hacked. Their computers are hacked. CSU school system was hacked. The exosphere of tech is hacked. The tech of the exosphere is hacked. Google got haggered and hacked until it gave away its IQ for health and resource.
