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A_Gent_4Tseven t1_j193ksv wrote

People have been fearing an upcoming possibility of a recession since around 2018 dude. It’s not some new thing it’s just something that actually came about because we had a damn pandemic, crazy government spending to try and fight fake election bullshit, numerous issues with other countries… we just had a banner fucking “year” these past 2-3 to really send us down this path extra hard.


[deleted] t1_j194hjk wrote

Well sure if you predict a recession EVERY year then eventually you'll be right..


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_j195hld wrote

They didn’t every year. They specifically brought up the implication of a possible outbreak in the future and how it may impact the economy. Trump disbanded it the minute he got into office because it had Obama attached to it… it was like one of his main things he did that caused Covid to be(more of)an issue. It wasn’t for specifically Covid, but they tossed it out because it wasn’t Trump Brand lol. It’s A HUGE FACTOR.