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whyreadthis2035 t1_j21lnec wrote

We haven’t even seen 5Gs magic…. Hey look! 6G!


xal1124 t1_j21npvj wrote

6G is just in the research phase at the moment. It takes a very long time to come to consensus on what the next technology should look like. You’re talking about every cellular provider, every base station manufacturer, every government, and every cell phone and cell phone chipset manufacturer agreeing. It’s intense.


whyreadthis2035 t1_j21o3w2 wrote

Yes. I’m and I wasn’t really fair. This is r/technology. So I should have just scrolled on. I’m aware of all those hurdles, by have no interest in 6G. I’m 56. Based on the 3G - almost 5G timeline, I’ll be retired before 6G is a thing.


xal1124 t1_j21oxli wrote

Haha. And I’m familiar with the field and I still set my phone to LTE only sometimes. Growing pains are real.