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Enjoying_A_Meal t1_j04871z wrote

I mean, people said the same thing the other 6 times Crypto crashed by over 70%, so their track record ain't all that great. What makes you think it won't bounce back and go even higher like all the previous times in the past 10 years? What's different about this time?


jas2628 t1_j04bxxi wrote

I think that people are finally questioning what the value of crypto actually is, especially since many of the returns seem to be fraudulent.

Why would Bitcoin go up? It only will if more people buy in, with the assumption that it will continue to go up.


dankdooker t1_j06jrrl wrote

This is true. It's people driven. Speculator driven. It's not business profit driven. There's nothing behind it. It's religious. If people believe in it, it will continue. It's all based on pure speculation.