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ControlledShutdown t1_j28avdc wrote

Somebody is looking for an out for their Tesla stock


poke133 OP t1_j28mjio wrote

And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling reddit user!


BasilExposition75 t1_j29e7kb wrote

I have been thinking of buying in. The PE ratio is starting to look good for a company growing that fast.


Mistyslate t1_j29svro wrote

Hopefully, their P/E ratio should be soon at the level they deserve. 6.76 and not 37.65.


Seleene t1_j2bxdsk wrote

I’m not. I’m steadily buying weekly. Yes, Elon is acting like an idiot, but remove emotion from it and look at the actual company performance and financials. It’s one of the best performing companies of the last few years, with no sign of slowing down. Regardless of how many others are trying to catch up, Tesla will sell every single car it produces for the next five years with no problem.

As for the cars, my mother was the early adopter and has a Model Y and it’s her favorite car ever. One and a half years of driving and not a rattle or problem at all. It laughs at Colorado winters. I started this year with an Audi Q5 and A6. Now I have a Model 3 and a Model S. Previously I drove a BMW 335d. I know exactly what “quality” is and I have exactly zero regrets. I fucking LOVE every moment I spend in these cars.

I know it’s easy to bandwagon, but it’s absurd the number of people who have never driven ANY EV who just want to shit on Tesla.


sobanz t1_j2bxwhf wrote

someone needs to make a addon like the scammer list to tag people crying about Tesla while posting in /r/fuckcars


jessief2 t1_j2ciigy wrote

Owned a model Y, wasn’t worth the price. For ~62k I could find better. EV charging is only great for commuters. If you just need a car for anything else, go gas or a cheaper EV if you really want one. The gas vs electric savings for me wasn’t worth it and other cars (BMW x5, gle) etc are much better in terms of quality/feeling.