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nmgzzptswjmlsasgjtsw t1_j1kn4j7 wrote

The NFL app must be in competition with MLB TV in just how poorly you can treat people who just want to watch their local team through streaming. MLB TV impressively blacks out no less than 6 teams (1/5 of MLB teams) in because they believe they should subscribe to cable or incentise people to actually go and see their local team. Even if someone is hundreds of miles away from the nearest MLB stadium..


troyboltonislife t1_j1n0gkh wrote

the mlb doesn’t really even have a choice tho. every team has exclusive tv deals with local stations. they can’t just replace those deals overnight. i agree that the mlb should be working to do something because it’s completely ridiculous and ruins fans viewing experience (and overall popularity) but it’s not something the mlb can just snap their fingers to fix


TheIndyCity t1_j1q200p wrote

MLB owners need to get their head out of their ass. They’ve killed their sport with dumb shit like this. No one gives a fuck about baseball under the age of 50.


troyboltonislife t1_j1n0h5h wrote

the mlb doesn’t really even have a choice tho. every team has exclusive tv deals with local stations. they can’t just replace those deals overnight. i agree that the mlb should be working to do something because it’s completely ridiculous and ruins fans viewing experience (and overall popularity) but it’s not something the mlb can just snap their fingers to fix