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swistak84 t1_j19ponc wrote

I remember EV car FUD mate, but plenty of "Rational critiques" were very much spot on. In 2022 we still don't have:

  1. FSD (only beta)
  2. Robotaxis
  3. Hyperloop (and never will)
  4. "Tech company" - It's funny that no one is even trying to argue this any-more.
  5. "Energy company" - SolarCity is on coninous downwards path, solar tiles are insignificant and they are reselling chinese panels
  6. Loops (regular kind, made by boring company). Even Vegas Loop is serviced by taxi drivers
  7. Cybertruck.

The only things they actually delivered on were the "realistic" ones which is to produce and expensive EV Car & SUV.

I called it then that Tesla will become like Mazda small independent carmaker making quirky interesting cars or becomes bankrupt.

They exceeded expectations producing two times more cars then Mazda at his point and I'm sure that they will continue to grow, but the dreams of challenging Toyota are over (but no chance of suddenly going bankrupt either I think).


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j19qphi wrote

If you shoot from a shotgun many times you eventually hit something and then you can claim that's where you aimed.