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SquatchWithNoHeroes t1_j1a22mn wrote

Obviously, the containment would be built out of concrete.

Otherwise it would be impossible, it would collapse on itself by stress alone rather quickly.

Anyway, my point is that Hyperloop is like wanting to make the concorde without making the 707 first.

And it may very well like the concorde end up being not practical.

Frankly, I don't see the need to be faster than 400km/h . That's what videoconferences are for


swistak84 t1_j1ah065 wrote

Obviously? Because none of the efforts or whitepaper tried that ...


SquatchWithNoHeroes t1_j1aj5n9 wrote

Nobody is suggesting you build it with the materials of a thin pressure vessel .


swistak84 t1_j1ak29s wrote

Literally what Musk's whitepaper suggested.


SquatchWithNoHeroes t1_j1aki7g wrote

I'm pretty sure that even that whitepaper doesn't suggest something that is meant to resist inward pressure instead of outward pressure
