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Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j135pbr wrote

Just like any other code completion tool, you have to understand what it's suggesting and evaluate it before accepting with the tab key.

I've only used whatever is built into VS 2022 (and sometimes Resharper), but it often suggests exactly what I was going to type anyway, especially if I'm making the same change in many different places. I don't use it for ideas, I just use it to save typing. But I already have a deep knowledge of the language, libraries, etc.


sesor33 t1_j142lmc wrote

Exactly. I'm worried about programmers using chatGPT because I've seen it produce extremely insecure code.

But here on Reddit I've already seen people say "yeah I copy paste from it so I have more time to slack off!"


SIGMA920 t1_j14eyp2 wrote

> But here on Reddit I've already seen people say "yeah I copy paste from it so I have more time to slack off!"

It's almost like reddit is a bag of items where half the time you get shit and the other half of the time you get gold. /s


DragonCz t1_j14q8nk wrote

Or plain wrong code. A friend if mine needed to check whether .NET 6 was installed via Wix Toolset. His co-worker suggested using ChatHPT. And it just took some code that detects .NET 5 and changes the 5s to 6s. Or course it would never work.


hippydipster t1_j1f54uq wrote

As a developer, what do they care about the results of the code they write?

This is the capitalist bargain, where you don't own the fruits of your labor, so naturally, people don't actually care.


Flam1ng1cecream t1_j13zqlv wrote

> especially if I'm making the same change in many different places

Have you considered that that might be a code smell?


epic_null t1_j14aaor wrote

Sometimes code is gonna smell.


reconrose t1_j14flor wrote

Some people are completely beholden to DRY principals that that go into a fury when they hear code was repeated even if they have 0 context around it


Flam1ng1cecream t1_j14hwkk wrote

Nah, I repeat code sometimes too. Still sets off alarm bells in my head tho


Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j17dfvw wrote

Oh yeah, DRY is always top of mind for me. But only on new stuff, which is only part of my typical workload.


Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j17d8yg wrote

Yep, but I removed it for brevity.

In my line of work, we inherit other people's messes and patch them up for extortionate hourly rates. We're the ones you call when the Indian contractor writes a bunch of gobbledegook and then bails on you. Then the focus is more on the biggest impact, lowest-effort items, not "nice to haves" like clean code.