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BigBuy3674 t1_j2engr5 wrote

I compiled an entire book's worth of horror stories written by ChatGPT and while it is very impressive, and is even more impressive when used for other purposes, it is lacking in the fiction writing realm. While the book is fun, and I recommend checking it out (available on Amazon) if only for the the novelty sake, it won't be replacing human authors in the immediate future. I did also use it as a sort of editor for my own writing (also available on amazon, haha) and that was useful.


taftastic t1_j2f0sli wrote

Can you link your books some way?


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fb9ug wrote

The AI one is named, "Uncanny Valley: Horror Stories from an AI' which ChatGPT named it and it also gave the AI author the name Electronic Phantom. It wrote pretty much everything in the book, such as the dedication, aithor bio, etc. I'm David Kobb and only added myself on the book because I have the other books I wrote and hope some people that want to check out the AI book will look at my books too (shameless self promotion.)


unholymanserpent t1_j2f7d7v wrote

I see I'm not the only one getting it to generate horror stories lol. It's fun messing with the settings of the stories as well (i.e., setting them in the past or future/different timelines).


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fbii8 wrote

Yes! I have a story set on the international space station. Fun to see what it creates.


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fbzy5 wrote

The thing I had most difficulty with when creating (or helping ChatGPT create) the book was getting it to write more than ~700 words. It also kept trying to end every story in the same way and it did take some creativity on my part to get it to vary the endings.


unholymanserpent t1_j2flyje wrote

Yeah it does that. I had to ensure that I kept opening up new chat dialogues to get variation because I noticed if I kept getting it to regenerate new stories on the same chat that it tended to stick to a certain theme. Getting it to give you the right word length must've taken some creativity.


starstruckmon t1_j2ff0s2 wrote

Are you doing it directly from a single prompt or are you using a more structured approach ( like Google recently described in the dramatron paper )? Adding "In the style of" to the prompt also helps make the quality better.


BigBuy3674 t1_j2frelp wrote

I experimented a lot with my prompts. I tried the in the style of idea. I tried telling it to go scarier, etc.