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SkylorBeck t1_j2fa6k0 wrote

I wasn't meaning you, but reddit really has a hate boner for Copilot and anyone who uses it.

The communication aspect is definitely lacking but you can use comments in your code to influence the suggestion. And you can also view alternative suggestions at the same time. Sometimes you need to clarify, or start one line with how exactly you want to go about things. Sometimes I just name the method and it autocompletes it based on the class name and method name. Sometimes it suggests new fields or alternative ways to do something and I change my methods to suit it.

Sometimes it's really hard to tell where the AI started writing and where I stopped. Really does feel like a copilot. I'd estimate anywhere from 40-60% of any given chunk of my code is AI written.


Edit for context: I make Minecraft Mods, Unity Games and Java based automation tools.