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Philatangy t1_j2fcvmu wrote

I asked it to “write a funny scam fake prince email” to send to my friend and it wrote the following:

Dear esteemed recipient,

I am Prince Chukwudumebi of the great kingdom of Nigeria. I come to you with a matter of grave importance.

As you may know, Nigeria is a land of great wealth and opportunity. However, due to a series of unfortunate events, I have found myself in a dire financial situation. It just so happens that I have come into possession of a large sum of money, which I am willing to share with you if you are able to assist me in transferring these funds out of the country.

All I need is your bank account information and a small upfront investment to cover the transfer fees. In return, I will be able to give you a generous percentage of the funds.

I assure you that this is a legitimate opportunity and that you have nothing to lose. Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible so that we can begin this exciting venture together.

Yours truly, Prince Chukwudumebi

P.S. Please keep this matter strictly confidential. We wouldn't want any unwanted attention from the Nigerian government or the royal family.”