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alcatrazcgp t1_j2e6gxm wrote

I tried using google assistant, "What are the calories in a ferrero rocher?" gives me an article from 2010 saying its 75 cals, then i ask it "do you have any articles that are more recent?"

and it just gives me an article...about recent articles.

ChatGPT on the other hand gets it, talks to you like a real person and remembers everything you said already, oh and knows CONTEXT. the biggest advantage it has, very impressive tech


Lump-of-baryons t1_j2e7xcu wrote

Agreed really powerful at answering basic queries, summarizing facts in an intelligible manner, writing half decent articles, essays, prose and poetry, including code. So tired of the naysayers, this is truly ground breaking tech.


savage_slurpie t1_j2e9e2d wrote

It is amazing, but if you have asked it to write any code that has any level of complexity it fails spectacularly.

I see it as a better google search.


bortlip t1_j2f16du wrote

That has not been my experience.

If you expect it to give you 100% working code with minimal instruction, it might not work (although it might). But if you work with it just a little bit, it's pretty amazing.

Example: I was reading this article about text summarization with python. The article listed this code:

def summarize(text, per):
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
    doc= nlp(text)
    tokens=[token.text for token in doc]
    for word in doc:
        if word.text.lower() not in list(STOP_WORDS):
            if word.text.lower() not in punctuation:
                if word.text not in word_frequencies.keys():
                    word_frequencies[word.text] = 1
                    word_frequencies[word.text] += 1
    for word in word_frequencies.keys():
    sentence_tokens= [sent for sent in doc.sents]
    sentence_scores = {}
    for sent in sentence_tokens:
        for word in sent:
            if word.text.lower() in word_frequencies.keys():
                if sent not in sentence_scores.keys():                            
    summary=nlargest(select_length, sentence_scores,key=sentence_scores.get)
    final_summary=[word.text for word in summary]
    return summary

I asked chat GPT what it did:

At a high level, this code defines a function that takes in a piece of text and a percentage value, and produces a summary of the text by:

  1. Tokenizing the text and calculating the frequency of each word in the document
  2. Normalizing the word frequencies to the range [0, 1]
  3. Tokenizing the text into sentences and calculating a score for each sentence based on the normalized word frequencies of the words it contains
  4. Selecting the highest-scoring sentences based on the specified percentage of the total number of sentences
  5. Returning the selected sentences as a single summary string

I then asked it to write that same code as c# and it gave me the (nearly: I had to add one cast) perfect LINQ:

            var words = Regex.Split(text, @"\s+")
                .Where(x => !stopWords.IsStopWord(x.ToLower()) && !char.IsPunctuation(x[0]))
                .GroupBy(x => x) 
                .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => (double)g.Count());

            var maxCount = words.Max(x => x.Value);
            words = words.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (double)x.Value / maxCount);

            var sentences = Regex.Split(text, @"(?<=[\.!\?])\s+")
                .Select(x => x.Trim())

            var scores = sentences
                .Select(x => x.Split(' ')
                    .Select(y => words.ContainsKey(y) ? words[y] : 0)

            var summary = string.Join(" ", sentences
                .Zip(scores, (s, c) => new { Sentence = s, Score = c })
                .OrderByDescending(x => x.Score)
                .Take((int)(per * sentences.Length))
                .Select(x => x.Sentence));

That's a pretty high level of complexity to me.


Lump-of-baryons t1_j2eamgc wrote

I’ve been using it to teach myself basic coding for Excel Macros, yeah nothing fancy but it gave me enough of a ground level understanding to get started super fast.

Overall I think peoples expectations are too high right now. Let’s see what GPT4 does next year.

Where it really shines is having it write something “in the style of x”. Have x be a famous author, historical figure, Homeric style, Shakespearean English, etc. Really interesting results if one plays with it a bit.


whitewateractual t1_j2ecxpy wrote

I, over a series of prompts, had it compose an absurdly detailed story about a squirrel civil war. And then I asked it to convert the entire story into a series of 50 haikus. It was wild.


ksoss1 t1_j2ffu1c wrote

Also want to get into Excel Macros. I'll definitely use ChatGTP to get started.


SkylorBeck t1_j2eafqb wrote

I can't believe how many people are trying to use a chat bot to write code and expect it to work. Use a code bot.


bortlip t1_j2f1ech wrote

I've actually had better success getting good code out of chat GPT than I have out of the code specific models available on openai's playground.

I'm curious what code bots your are using.


mrpoops t1_j2f5f5j wrote

Yup, same here. It also documents it in chatgpt but not in the playground.

The trick, as always, is to modularize. Don’t ask chatgpt for an entire application. Outline the code yourself first. Figure out your data structures/custom objects. Then figure out the functions required to do the work in the application, and how those functions will pass around your objects.

Only after you understand the flow…THEN have chatgpt write all the individual functions. You should know how you want your program to work and what the data looks like anyway. So map it out then have chatgpt do only the tedious programming parts.


bortlip t1_j2f75co wrote

Agreed. I also can advance pretty quickly by going back in forth with it. It's like a junior developer that I just dictate to and correct here and there and it does all the typing and puts things together intelligently.


SkylorBeck t1_j2f94w2 wrote

Github Copilot. Even just saying it I can feel the comments starting now.

"I tried it for a day. It just makes boilerplate. Not impressed"

It's saved me dozens of hours since I started using it last year.


bortlip t1_j2f9oev wrote

No, I'm not looking to start an argument with you, that was a legitimate question.

I'm played with chatGPT and the models in the playground so far. I intend to start playing with copilot soon, but haven't tried it yet.
I really like the ability to go back and forth with the chat aspect and have the AI build the code that way and I am curious how the tab complete will compare to that experience.


SkylorBeck t1_j2fa6k0 wrote

I wasn't meaning you, but reddit really has a hate boner for Copilot and anyone who uses it.

The communication aspect is definitely lacking but you can use comments in your code to influence the suggestion. And you can also view alternative suggestions at the same time. Sometimes you need to clarify, or start one line with how exactly you want to go about things. Sometimes I just name the method and it autocompletes it based on the class name and method name. Sometimes it suggests new fields or alternative ways to do something and I change my methods to suit it.

Sometimes it's really hard to tell where the AI started writing and where I stopped. Really does feel like a copilot. I'd estimate anywhere from 40-60% of any given chunk of my code is AI written.


Edit for context: I make Minecraft Mods, Unity Games and Java based automation tools.


EternalNY1 t1_j2fknkc wrote

My point exactly. There are so many examples of it "failing" to write complex code yet the thing can explain quantum mechanics to you in the form of Shakespere.

And it still does a pretty amazing job with code!


SIGMA920 t1_j2exnez wrote

> I see it as a better google search.

Except it's not even that. It's a slightly smarter chatbot, google finds links you can use.


EternalNY1 t1_j2fkdrq wrote

It is extremely impressive at translating code between languages, code it has never seen before. And obviously that is not data that has been scraped from a web page.

However, a lot of people point out it doesn't write complex code that well. The thing is, it's not advertised as a tool to help out software engineers. The fact that it can actually write code as well as it does I find impressive enough.


unorigionalscreename t1_j2f6xb0 wrote

I had a conversation with it about Michele Foucault, his core philosophies and how he might respond to my criticisms. I have no idea how accurate it was, but very impressive that it could hold that level of conversation and provide contextual responses.


creakyclimber t1_j2fnil1 wrote

But did it tell you WHERE to buy Ferrero Rocher and start “reminding” you with ads about chocolate? ChatGPT has a long way to go when it comes to selling you things you don’t want!


Invisible_Pelican t1_j2f118p wrote

I'm very interested in how generative AI can potentially be used in video games in the future. Imagine human-like NPCs that seemingly have a mind of their own, and can hold actual conversations based on free-ranging topics you choose talk about instead of preset prompts. Randomly generated worlds based on scraping from endless photographs of real locations or fantasy pictures and piecing them together. Constantly evolving and becoming more life-like/immersive by the day, probably another reason that MSFT is going all in on them.


its_raining_scotch t1_j2eqjql wrote

I’ve been asking it complex questions that involve tons of context and conjecture as a way to test it out.

One question was “how would the world be different if the Roman Empire had discovered gun powder?”. It said that it’s impossible to know for sure, but that it would have likely led to an even more militarily and politically dominant Empire than it already was, that it would likely have been able to expand its borders even further, that it would have potentially profited financially by producing hun powder as an export, and that it may have been able to last much longer as an empire due to its military advantage.

This impressed me because all of those statements are very reasonable and I agree with them, plus compared to a google search they’re light years ahead.

I also asked it what Diogenes the Cynic would think about the modern world, and it said that it’s impossible to know for sure but that he would likely be upset by it. The rationale was that the modern world is consumer driven, with large class distinctions, and a life that is very far from our “natural” state. These are all the things that Diogenes railed against, even in ancient times, which have only gotten more severe and widespread.

This also impressed me because that answer requires context/understanding of a philosopher’s thought process in ancient times, his attitude about his own times according to his thought process, then how our current times relate to his ancient times, and finally an extrapolation of his thought process on our current times based on the difference between ancient&current times.

Again I agreed with its outcome and walked away impressed.


wanted_to_upvote t1_j2ejb2r wrote

It can be confidently incorrect. It does appear to get slowly better. I asked it last week what some good stating words would be for WORDLE. It gave me about 5 paragraphs describing Scrabble including letter scores and bonus squares but no list of starting words. I just now asked it the same thing and it gave a shorter description of WORDLE that was correct but then provided a list of words that ranged from 3 to 8 letters long.


0ut0fBoundsException t1_j2eplcr wrote

I’m a dev and used it to generate some code snippets. It does great with a decent prompt and good back and forth, but at one point it started making stuff up that didn’t exist

Specifically, It was very confident in describing square space plugins that didn’t actually exist. Describing them and even giving instructions on using them despite no actual “Table2Link” or “DataLink” plugins actually existing. It was so convincing I spent a good couple minutes googling and trying to find them


rdizzy1223 t1_j2f6ufe wrote

I would imagine those squarespace plugins might have existed in the past, as they stopped supporting many plug-ins in like 2016.


0ut0fBoundsException t1_j2fqfka wrote

That’s quite possible. One of the disclaimers is that it doesn’t know about things after 2021. I couldn’t fine a second single result though so I do think it just made things up


aaronguy56 t1_j2f8k9r wrote

I asked the AI when it’s information cutoff was and it replied with this:

“My knowledge cutoff is September 2021. I am not able to browse the internet or access any information beyond that point, so I am unable to provide current information or updates. Is there something specific you would like to know about?”

Since wordle wasn’t really a thing until October of 2021 that adds up


wanted_to_upvote t1_j2fg74v wrote

That is fine, the problem is it gave an answer anyway without giving any indication at all that it did not know anything about Wordle.


BigBuy3674 t1_j2engr5 wrote

I compiled an entire book's worth of horror stories written by ChatGPT and while it is very impressive, and is even more impressive when used for other purposes, it is lacking in the fiction writing realm. While the book is fun, and I recommend checking it out (available on Amazon) if only for the the novelty sake, it won't be replacing human authors in the immediate future. I did also use it as a sort of editor for my own writing (also available on amazon, haha) and that was useful.


taftastic t1_j2f0sli wrote

Can you link your books some way?


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fb9ug wrote

The AI one is named, "Uncanny Valley: Horror Stories from an AI' which ChatGPT named it and it also gave the AI author the name Electronic Phantom. It wrote pretty much everything in the book, such as the dedication, aithor bio, etc. I'm David Kobb and only added myself on the book because I have the other books I wrote and hope some people that want to check out the AI book will look at my books too (shameless self promotion.)


unholymanserpent t1_j2f7d7v wrote

I see I'm not the only one getting it to generate horror stories lol. It's fun messing with the settings of the stories as well (i.e., setting them in the past or future/different timelines).


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fbii8 wrote

Yes! I have a story set on the international space station. Fun to see what it creates.


BigBuy3674 t1_j2fbzy5 wrote

The thing I had most difficulty with when creating (or helping ChatGPT create) the book was getting it to write more than ~700 words. It also kept trying to end every story in the same way and it did take some creativity on my part to get it to vary the endings.


unholymanserpent t1_j2flyje wrote

Yeah it does that. I had to ensure that I kept opening up new chat dialogues to get variation because I noticed if I kept getting it to regenerate new stories on the same chat that it tended to stick to a certain theme. Getting it to give you the right word length must've taken some creativity.


starstruckmon t1_j2ff0s2 wrote

Are you doing it directly from a single prompt or are you using a more structured approach ( like Google recently described in the dramatron paper )? Adding "In the style of" to the prompt also helps make the quality better.


BigBuy3674 t1_j2frelp wrote

I experimented a lot with my prompts. I tried the in the style of idea. I tried telling it to go scarier, etc.


homebrewguy01 t1_j2fg9fs wrote

This sounds like an article ChatGPT would write about itself!


Elliott2 t1_j2egtad wrote

I found it to be a fancy Google search engine and didn’t really respond with anything fancy. I let it help me rewrite parts of my resume though


Uaintthere t1_j2en92e wrote

Same it's great for writing cover letters as well.


Philatangy t1_j2fcvmu wrote

I asked it to “write a funny scam fake prince email” to send to my friend and it wrote the following:

Dear esteemed recipient,

I am Prince Chukwudumebi of the great kingdom of Nigeria. I come to you with a matter of grave importance.

As you may know, Nigeria is a land of great wealth and opportunity. However, due to a series of unfortunate events, I have found myself in a dire financial situation. It just so happens that I have come into possession of a large sum of money, which I am willing to share with you if you are able to assist me in transferring these funds out of the country.

All I need is your bank account information and a small upfront investment to cover the transfer fees. In return, I will be able to give you a generous percentage of the funds.

I assure you that this is a legitimate opportunity and that you have nothing to lose. Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible so that we can begin this exciting venture together.

Yours truly, Prince Chukwudumebi

P.S. Please keep this matter strictly confidential. We wouldn't want any unwanted attention from the Nigerian government or the royal family.”


GammaRaze t1_j2ep6v5 wrote

Took my first crack at it today to ask some basic business/franchise/market questions and immediately realized it’s the new Google. Definitely something to keep playing with.


Consistent_Jacket892 t1_j2e59sx wrote

And yet it’s the first to admit that it’s not AI, just a learning algorithm. Try telling it not to ever apologize for anything and it will fight you, keep repeating exactly what it answers with and to never say that again. It’s fun for the whole family.


Countryb0i2m t1_j2f619j wrote

I like it, I think it does a good job making human created things better and giving pretty good answers to questions


Brochetar t1_j2f1z3j wrote

We've actually started using it at my job over google for alot of things. Navigating the bullshit that is java spring is difficult and chatgpt actually gives working solutions compared to google and stack overflow.


Geez-13 t1_j2ekeh4 wrote

I’m using ChatGPT almost every hour, I can’t live without her.


smoothsensation t1_j2fdxjq wrote

What do you use it for that’s so useful?


danfirst t1_j2ffmop wrote

I'm curious as well, i've played with it and asked it all kinds of goofy questions, but I can't imagine using it constantly yet so it's interesting to see the uses.


Geez-13 t1_j2fl03k wrote

I’m mostly replacing Google with ChatGPT.

I work with Linux, OpenStack, Ceph, OpenvSwitch, Ubuntu, etc., but I’m not a software developer. So, when I need something, I ask ChatGPT first.

I’m relatively good with Bash, but I want to learn Python, so I am asking ChatGPT to rewrite my Bash scripts into Python, because I can easily understand those that I’m familiar with.

She’s also helping me to get started with machine learning, giving me examples, and guiding me through the first steps on this journey.

Sometimes I ask random things, for example: “show me all patents from Nikola Tesla in chronological order”… Boom! Right there.

I also asked: “How to achieve world peace?” Lol



Geez-13 t1_j2frzh5 wrote

So, I just asked ChatGPT:

“I have an OpenStack Cloud, and the “rabbitmq” is broken. Is it okay to remove it and install it again from scratch without damaging the deployment?”

She answered! Saying it’s okay to do it, and based on the answers, I stopped all containers using it, uninstalled it, and “openstack-ansible” is doing its magic now!

ChatGPT is also replacing IRC. Otherwise, I would have asked my buddies on the chat.


[deleted] t1_j2flxeo wrote



Geez-13 t1_j2fn4fn wrote

AHA! Lolol

I’ve heard that the robots of the future won’t enjoy being called “it”, so I’m scared 😂

Better safe than sorry.


timeslider t1_j2f97tl wrote

I'm sure it's very impressive but I have a VoIP phone so I can't create an account.


Uaintthere t1_j2enbtf wrote

It is disappointing that it doesn't know anything about ton 618.


shewhololslast t1_j2eovhp wrote

If you were around for 90s Internet, you know it was a much different experience. Things evolve. If given the chance to do so, this could go in all sorts of interesting directions.


Revolutionary_Lie539 t1_j2esxbu wrote

Interesting. It does absolutely nothing for me. I just see a counter incrementing how much time it takes to do nothing.


magicbeansascoins t1_j2f0lb0 wrote

Is there a way to join without giving the cell number?


Utterlybored t1_j2fok0z wrote

Not me. Here’s what I tried:

Me: Write an opening line for a very cynical song:

I don't believe in love, I don't believe in love It's just a bunch of lies and it's only good for making you cry I don't believe in love, I don't believe in love It's just a bunch of pain and it's only good for making you insane

Me: Write a chorus for a song about tool belts.

But I believe in tool belts, I believe in tool belts They make me feel strong and they make me feel alive I believe in tool belts, I believe in tool belts They're the only thing that keeps me going when I'm feeling down

So put on your tool belt, put on