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LigerXT5 t1_j26net3 wrote

My 2.5 yo does, but it's off and on if she's paying attention. Depending on the day, I'd say half the time she's watching. Otherwise it's white noise to her or something else is on the TV that doesn't interest her. At least no TV in her room, lol.

I think we made it a year and a half without using the TV to entertain her while we're taking care of other things or need a break.

In a perfect world, wouldn't be relying on the TV. We'd also be able to afford a regular babysitter instead of splitting the day in half, wife working evenings and I work during the day.


morbidchiaseeds t1_j2712nr wrote

I hear that. An affordable babysitter would be life changing.

I also watched a ton of TV growing up. I found a 6th grade journal that was simply a list of the shows I watched at the time. Lol! My parents didn't get the kind of shaming we do now.