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Indominablesnowplow t1_j191jw4 wrote

“Asocial stupidity” What does that mean in this context?


anti-torque t1_j19eou8 wrote

It means not accepting the social contract and being a selfish prick for reasons that don't exist--oftentimes lying about medical conditions to further the lies.

If you want me to understand their anxieties, you first have to address they have them. It's fine if you don't want to be a good citizen. It's another to just not be one... loudly... and with constant whining about Constitutional rights that don't exist.

The expectations should have been this from the start, given we accept some 35k deaths a year from the flu--from previous pandemics. Many US citizens simply don't care about the USA and all its other citizens. They think they exist in a country that hasn't given them everything and more.