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anti-torque t1_j10gg1f wrote

tldr, this is why it's huge news:

>Seasonal flu vaccines, which protect against up to four strains of the virus, are updated every year to ensure they are a good match for flu viruses in circulation. The new vaccine is designed to prime the immune system against all 20 subtypes of influenza A and B, potentially arming the body to tackle any flu virus that arises.

I could go for that. I've been spoiled the last couple years having not caught the flu, due to all this mask tyranny. I could go for a little never-get-the-flu-again tyranny.


Broad_Success_4703 t1_j12fxlq wrote

I got the flu in 2018 and didn’t even know there was a vaccine bc my mom thought the vaccine makes you sick. After having flu that turned into pneumonia and being stuck in bed for 2 weeks I make it a point to get vaxed every November for the flu. Recently I’ve been doing Covid booster and flu. Haven’t had either since then.


anti-torque t1_j14j0av wrote

I'm not sure on the old vaccines, but I think because they were based in hen's eggs, many people had adverse reactions to them. I know my wife couldn't and wouldn't take them, because she would be knocked out for a couple days.

But she's fine with the new recombinant version.


Vanman04 t1_j13ao01 wrote


Had the flu 10 years ago thought I was going to die and was kinda hoping I would. Was not something I want to repeat ever. Had a flu shot every year ever since.


Indominablesnowplow t1_j17y4xv wrote

Mask “tyranny”…. Well that’s one way of announcing low empathy


anti-torque t1_j18zem9 wrote

On the contrary, this is the highest of understandings--accepting asocial stupidity for what it is.

Trying to rationalize it would simply be insulting to the person who can't bring themselves to be a good citizen. It would be trying to give them something they don't have... ironically, empathy.


Indominablesnowplow t1_j191jw4 wrote

“Asocial stupidity” What does that mean in this context?


anti-torque t1_j19eou8 wrote

It means not accepting the social contract and being a selfish prick for reasons that don't exist--oftentimes lying about medical conditions to further the lies.

If you want me to understand their anxieties, you first have to address they have them. It's fine if you don't want to be a good citizen. It's another to just not be one... loudly... and with constant whining about Constitutional rights that don't exist.

The expectations should have been this from the start, given we accept some 35k deaths a year from the flu--from previous pandemics. Many US citizens simply don't care about the USA and all its other citizens. They think they exist in a country that hasn't given them everything and more.


atheistunicycle t1_j10nbtq wrote

>due to all this mask tyranny

enjoy your autoban


anti-torque t1_j10o5xx wrote

lol... on first read was trying to figure out what this had to do with driving


msuvagabond t1_j12ezb0 wrote

Ummm, pretty sure he was using it in an ironic statement and not actually calling it tyranny.


LoserMotron t1_j1275nk wrote

That's a lot of microchips in 1 go.


DividedState t1_j13nyev wrote

Too bad people are too dumb to actually take it.


thecamz7 t1_j152n4n wrote

Too bad people don't know what natural immunity is. Sitting in the basement 365 days a year will better as long as you got the shot


ProtonX2 t1_j1211yf wrote

Why does this sound like a news that appears in a video game?


DrMcMuffinMD t1_j137q5h wrote

Perfect just in time for me to not give a fuck


lukanz t1_j13f1yp wrote

thx…but no thx


[deleted] t1_j1117my wrote



Moscato359 t1_j11f9te wrote

I've had permanent lung damage from 2 separate respiratiory infections in the last year.
It's fucked up my life.

Vaccines matter.


ChewRedman t1_j13ljkt wrote

Diet, exercise, sunlight, sleep > flu and covid vaccines


IAmTaka_VG t1_j17mbcn wrote

Nope lol but good try.

Many Olympic athletes got it. Half the France soccer team was sick during the World Cup. Healthy individuals are very similarly vulnerable to the flu.


ChewRedman t1_j18tlrn wrote

Dude you understand that the vaccine does absolutely 0 regarding transmission rates right? Look at the Omicron variant that swept through the highly vaccinated nations.


optimist31 t1_j1362en wrote

I'm all for vaccines that work. As a kid I got probably 20-30 of them. They just mustn't shove it as a requirement when it's untested long term to be as effective as they say, and proven to not be pseudo science invented by multiple companies at the same time.

Even though they tried to do something, I think the vaccines for pandemic were rolled out just because of deadlines and contracts. At the end efficiency didn't matter, it had to be rolled out to fulfill the contracts initiated by egos of politicians. I don't want to see that repeat and begin the debate of if it's necessary to lose jobs over uncurable sickness.


Vanman04 t1_j13awur wrote

>I'm all for vaccines that work

Goes on to explain how they are not in fact for vaccines that work.


optimist31 t1_j13qleb wrote

Quality of information over karma points any day. Make your argument at least.


optimist31 t1_j13q74t wrote

Ooof, brace for my rant lol.. they.. you.. thing..

It's sad how people blindly tag along with headlines with a promise of magic for the sake of their opinion on a social platform without having adequate and educated argument... and don't understand what the article says.

Nevermind considering that articles such as this are made for fast investment, rather than informing.

Is it already too much to ask just for testing and present evidence of it working as well as actual effects before jabbing?

I know that antigen flu shots work since they're safe version of flues themselves. Even the cancer cells in the shot don't bother me since it's been proven safe. mRNA on the other hand is literally telling your body what the response should be over a period of months.

The tradeoff of medicine is the strain/stress on your immune system to work on more important thing. It will be harder for your body to maintain itself leading to faster biological aging of some of the organs.

Prof John Oxford is looking at it as an achievement or progress in medicine. What I don't want it to be is another "everybody is considered stupid, and gets an express made jab to keep a job".

He is one of the best to tell us what to expect, but he will not be able to tell me using his mouth that there will be no side-effects such as physical exhaustion. If he would say it, I would believe him without a question.

I want people to be responsible for what they promise when the time comes for another global pandemic management. Otherwise they turn access to government decisions for profit globally. It's a scale that can be misused and I see right through these articles that are written for simpleminded approach.

I'm more of evidence of results guy, not let's argue who's opinion is right.

Feel free to contribute with counter argument, but don't assign your view of me without even trying to understand what I'm saying.

Edit: Looks like there's no disagreement, but general dislike of the idea to demand to be better informed of the "magic" vaccine for uncurable virus. Redditors are so dense when it comes to a challenge in ideas..


redditor54 t1_j14i8wu wrote

right on, glad there are still sane people out there.


optimist31 t1_j14r3b5 wrote

Thank you. I find that there're different states of mind and perception when it comes to discussions. Comments are more 1 dimensional that doesn't translate well as knowledge, extension of the subject, or just common talk.

I'm wrong for challenging their hope, not that I'm of wrong opinion of realistic expectations on the subject. Even welcoming counter arguments to see where I'm wrong, but I get downvotes due to short circuits lol


Vanman04 t1_j15gysd wrote

>I'm more of evidence of results guy, not let's argue who's opinion is right.

Nothing wrong with that but you have done nothing but provide a name and opinion. I am not going to waste my time providing links to evidence the vaccines were effective.

You want to show some evidence they weren't and were just to fill contracts feel free to do so but baring that all I am seeing here is opinion not worth wasting time on as it's all been done before thousands of times


optimist31 t1_j161dg8 wrote

I will do it for you. The research on the 3 shots that I received is right here(CDC on Pfizer), the link can't be better. To sum it up, vaccines did save lives of 0.0029% of people that received the shots. About 3000 in 1 million at a peak of infections(effective use of vaccinations within 3 months).

And the side effect is myocarditis (weakening of the heart walls) which caused around 0,00036% to die in the control test (same report). About 380 in a million.

The point is that I don't want to repeat is these unknown factors (unknown efficacy, effects and adverse effects).

My question is what damage it could've caused to heart walls long term. No one can answer that, as we're yet to get an answer on that if someone dares to question.

It's not entirely appealing to take something that does a little bit of damage in a million of people and actually save 3000 (minus 380 and others in adverse reactions, minus ineffective efficacy due to not receiving new jabs about and few other variables).

All I want is not to be forced to be a lab rat, forcibly "voluntarily" agree that I take responsibility for any side-effects, and I "now allow it to be administered". I felt like taking those jabs in a lawyers office. They never did that with a flu shot. I don't want that to repeat. And all that was required by law after I suffered through multiple strains and gained own immunity to them.

Make the medicine, make sure it's up to par first. Covid is coming around, and I don't see people running to jab themselves, because this exact thought is at the back of people's minds that it prevents by drawing on your immune system, rather than strengthening it.

Rather take what doctors take, like RX550 (potent immunity booster) that knocks the socks off compared to covid itself and work twice as long. Also alternative medicine was excluded from consideration at a time.. how is that for freedom of choice.

Vaccines are great for chickenpox, but flu is not curable due to seasonal mutations with it, unlike other viruses that your body has to learn once. Even those have side-effects, but I fair trade to become immune to known diseases.

The article in the post, it's a baseline shot, not a cure. I hope this research brings better breakthroughs down the road and keeps the facts straight without toy toying with lives globally.

So to get back to your comment, it's more of ethics that I want to see brushed up and transparency that will make me want to take it rather than read another article on new findings after I had 3 of them. It does make me question about it's benefits or drawbacks.

TLDR: when it's ready in 2 years time, test, then announce the miracle flu shot. Too early for population now to think about.


Vanman04 t1_j166iip wrote

lots of words but from your own link.

The pooled vaccine effectiveness estimates from the observational studies demonstrated that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reduced symptomatic COVID-19 when compared to no vaccination (pooled vaccine effectiveness: 92.4% (95% CI: 87.5–95.3%), based on 8 studies) [6,10,11,14,17,18,21,31]. The pooled vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization due to COVID-19 was 94.3% (95% CI 87.9–97.3%), based on 8 studies [13,15,17,21,22,25,28,30]. The pooled vaccine effectiveness for prevention of death due to COVID-19 was 96.1% (95%CI 91.5–98.2%), based on 4 studies [13,15,17,25]. The pooled vaccine effectiveness against asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection was 89.3% (95% CI 88.4–90.1%), based on 2 studies [17,24

0.0029% does not appear anywhere in your link so you are pulling that number from god knows where. (I have my suspicions but)

But all of that is really unecessary since you can find the hospitalization numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated.,regardless%20of%20booster%20dose%20status.

In this cross-sectional study of US adults hospitalized with COVID-19 during January 2022 to April 2022 (during Omicron variant predominance), COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates were 10.5 times higher in unvaccinated persons and 2.5 times higher in vaccinated persons with no booster dose, respectively, compared with those who had received a booster dose. Compared with unvaccinated hospitalized persons, vaccinated hospitalized persons were more likely to be older and have more underlying medical conditions.

That all by itself puts the lie to the .0029 % number you pulled from apparently no where.

You need to stop listening to quaks and fox news.

You seem to be one of those follks deparate to ensure you have not been mislead and grasping at anything that can give you comfort in knowing you have done your research and you aren't being played like a fool.

You say you don't want to be a lab rat but you refuse to listen to what the labs and actual data is telling you. you are grasping at folks who are grifting for money coming up with made up numbers like .00029 to make yourself feel better. But all you are really doing is fooling yourself and endangering your health and those around you.

I found a source for your .0029 number and it's wild how wrong your conclusions of it are. This is from the post of all places a paper sympathetic to the right wing lunacy.

The agency looked at 1,228,664 people who were vaccinated between December 2020 and October 2021 …

Of those, 2,256 developed COVID, or 0.1%

Of those, 189 had a serious outcome, or 0.01%

Of those, 36 died, or 0.0029%

Roughly 28 of those who died had four or more comorbidities, including immunosuppression, diabetes, and chronic kidney, cardiac, pulmonary, neurologic and/or liver disease.

In short, if you’re vaccinated, the risk of death, or even hospitalization, from COVID is infinitesimally small. Like being-struck-by-lightning-in-your-lifetime small.

So your .0029 is your chances of dying when you have the booster Pretty freaking impressive really that you came to the exact opposite conclusion that it was just the people saved. Exact opposite of what that number represents it is actually the number it didn't save.

This is why I rarely waste time with folks like you because you think you have done your research but that just means you found folks to confirm your conspiracy nonsense and stopped looking. What's really wild is you know where to look but then refuse to actually read what the studies say.

I wish you luck with your conspiracy theory nonsense and hope that it never bites you in the ass as it has so many r/HermanCainAward