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Mayoooo t1_j15lssa wrote

“We may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information as defined under US laws, such as faceprints and voiceprints, from your User Content.”

“Where you log-in from multiple devices, we will be able to use your profile information to identify your activity across devices. We may also associate you with information collected from devices other than those you use to log-in to the Platform”

“-identifying the objects and scenery that appear, the existence and location within an image of face and body features and attributes, the nature of the audio, and the text of the words spoken in your User Content. We may collect this information to enable special video effects, for content moderation, for demographic classification, for content and ad recommendations”

Just a few quotes from the 3 page privacy policy this is nothing if you actually read through it. And this data is being funneled into a government with with a long, well-documented track record of using this data against Americans.


Ciennas t1_j15wayu wrote

Using it for what, exactly.

Oh no, the CCP is gonna know about my potted plants! The HoRrOr!
