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PeakFuckingValue t1_j20ihdc wrote

While I understand the applications are limitless, the general usefulness of stuff is pretty obvious. For example, energy and fusion was a great answer. That might be one of the most important ones. Obvious other ones would be transportation, defense, communication, computing, pharma, manufacturing, culture, politics...

I'm less interested in how it can be applied to every industry, but since I'm jumping in on a "conversation" I guess what's most relevant is what makes you excited about this. That's definitely not clear to me yet.


Vailhem OP t1_j219c8z wrote

> I guess what's most relevant is what makes you excited about this. That's definitely not clear to me yet.

You touched on it with one of your areas, but fusion isn't (more-immediately) one of them.

Let's just chok it up to my thinking it's really neat! ;)
