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prophet001 t1_j146sxw wrote

Pretty sure nothing they said tied their concerns about the battery to this particular issue. There are all sorts of valid reasons to not want a gigantic lithium battery in your house.


SeaworthinessLeft88 t1_j14a91b wrote

The recall and topic of the post have nothing to do with the battery, though. It’s just that OP immediately saw “Bolt” and “fire risk” and likely immediately thought it was a battery issue.

And EVs have less fires per vehicles sold than both pure ICE and HEVs. The fires are typically related to damage (either collision or occasional corrosive water damage with Tesla) or fast charging, neither of which is really a concern in a driveway or garage.

So those points aside, what valid reasons are there to not want an EV within 100 feet of your house that don’t already exist with hybrids or pure ICE vehicles?


prophet001 t1_j14bfy7 wrote

> Pretty sure nothing they said tied their concerns about the battery to this particular issue.

>The recall and topic of the post have nothing to do with the battery, though.

Broken record much?


Jeramus t1_j15ualz wrote

I read the recall notice because I have a Bolt. You are wrong, it's just about the pretensioner and the carpet.


prophet001 t1_j15up1g wrote

You might oughtta go back and re-read this comment chain because you've failed to comprehend it.
