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cannibal_man t1_j0g65uc wrote

Good! I hope this bill passes. It's a great start. 👍 👍

Time to reign in the CCP here in the US.

And let's not forget the surveillance of Chinese citizens here in the US, especially with the use of those phony 'police stations'. Let's close them down, too.


MMResearch t1_j0b7sg7 wrote

Damn you can really see the triggered dopamine zombies coming out in these comments. They’re scared theyre not going to be able to scroll through mind numbing content for hours on end. I couldn’t give a rats ass about security, but lets talk bout the other slew of issues!

-Directly eroding self esteem by setting unrealistic expectations and forcing kids to compare themselves to others. -REWIRING OUR BRAINS TO FUNCTION IN SHORT ATTENTION SPANS, CRIPLLING DOPAMINE PRODUCTION AND OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH IT -THE GODDAMN SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN

…but yea national security..

I could go on but I just woke up and haven’t even had my coffee yet. GOOD DAY!


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_j0bt65n wrote

why are you using it if it does all that? the dilemma is with banning any app from the app store without justifications and unfortunately your justification is only enough to get it off government phones.