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acprocode t1_j1kb2rb wrote

its really not if people actually did the math on it. The problem is gamers are the dumbest consumers. They generally don't do math and just see a ton of games and say "yea thats a good investment". Its only worth it if you are playing in excess of 8 or more games a year which most people aren't. You can normally buy the games you want to play per year for less than the price of the gamepass subscription.

Itll go the way of netflix as much as people like to downvote me for saying this. As more day one release titles try to get pushed to it, they will need to recoupe upfront costs and they will either tier gamepass for day 1 releases and/or increase the price of gamepass going into 2023 and beyond. Similarily games controlled by external publishers will end up jacking up their prices.
