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acprocode t1_j1kddu5 wrote

>But you don't disagree they made crappy stuff in the last years. I'm just saying that seems like that right price: getting acquired by Microsoft and to die as a brand in 10 years or less.

I disagree, i get people like to shit on blizz for making expansions/dlc's rather than new IP's etc... but the formula is what consumers want. If they didn't want it their net profitability YOY would be dipping. Its not, which means all metrics are telling acti-blizz that there formula is working.

Gamer bro's like you need to understand you are the minority complaining about a game. The vast majority of consumers disagree with you hence why games like COD always sell more than the prior year.

Microsoft on the other hand hasnt managed to produce shit in the last 7-8 years thats even remotely comparable to acti-blizz with all the AAA studios they bought out. Ill take that fat fuck Bobby Kotick any day over merging into microsoft as MS has proven they only make it worse when they buy out studios.