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Accomplished_Ad6571 t1_j1b07hn wrote

Why do all these companies love to drop shit like this during the holidays…can’t this wait until the second week of January? Damn Grinches.


RunninADorito t1_j1bw6gl wrote

Because this article is completely made up. A new system for reviews was started about 9 months ago. Everyone has the same visibility as to what's what.

This is complete made up bullshit.


Chogo82 t1_j1eg85w wrote

CNBC has always been in the business of clickbait.


BakingMadman t1_j1c2kgp wrote

Because of CALENDAR year end and tax related consequences.


FrezoreR t1_j1c45ue wrote

The end of the fiscal year is still months away.


BakingMadman t1_j1cs4m1 wrote

Sorry CALENDAR year end. (4th quarter)


FrezoreR t1_j1fcpao wrote

That's a big difference. There's no tax related consequences related to the end of the calendar year for companies, so you kind of invalidated your own statement by "correcting" it.

Taxes are done on the fiscal year not the calendar year. Either way layoffs would have nothing to do with taxes. All these big companies pay 0 taxes already by moving money around.

The big layoffs is instead related to cost per stock, and layoffs usually happen close to an earnings call and again unrelated to the calendar year.