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volkmasterblood t1_j11vfkq wrote

Just give me my friends and some cool threads and picture options. No ads. No “connect with old friends you met 30 years ago”. No news. Just a simple UI.


porkypenguin t1_j12v4ev wrote

no ads is tough unless you’re cool with a subscription model. ultimately if this gets adopted at scale, someone’s gotta pay for all those servers


1byteofpi t1_j135cua wrote

isn't the idea behind a decentralised, federated social media that whoever hosts that instance pays for the server?


medraxus t1_j13byee wrote

Yea, someone is still paying at the end of the day

And once it gets big enough they’ll have to rely on donations

And once they get even bigger they will have the advertisers knocking on their door with bags of cash

And once they get even bigger the feds and copyright holders will be knocking on their door for all the unmoderated content that’s on the platform


givemeworldnews t1_j134elk wrote

To pay for that, maybe they could sell spaces on the main page that people can pay to post? Maybe have it run on a monthly model etc?


Old_Smrgol t1_j14cdyo wrote

>spaces on the main page that people can pay to post?

You mean ads?


Celos t1_j13518t wrote

I just started using BeReal and it's kind of nice. A picture a day at most (which you can skip, obviously) and it's just you and your friends.


alexkidd_in_world t1_j13id2j wrote

I can handle ads. It's the intrusive nature of the ads and the fact they track me anywhere that bothers me. I'd be happy to provide a few key data points (age, gender, home state/region) and that can target ads at my demographic while I'm on there site to pay for servers.

Advertisers have been very successful for years on less and I'm sure if it became the norm they'd be successful again.


anormalgeek t1_j13wqu8 wrote

Basically like text message groups with some extra features.


YoYoMoMa t1_j152o8a wrote

"I just want a great service for free"


GreatGraySkwid t1_j154u88 wrote

Google+ did that, and people killed it because they couldn't be anonymous assholes on YouTube anymore.


colin_7 t1_j16cney wrote

Hate to break it to you but that’s pretty much what Facebook started as. A way to connect with fellow peers on a college campus virtually. Then it pivoted to keeping in touch and connecting with old friends, a fantastic idea really. But then they needed to become profitable and every corporation felt the need to have a page and advertise