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brawnkoh t1_j23tydy wrote

Even if he plans to take a plea later, he will still plead not guilty as of now.

The fact the other two pled guilty to me is astounding. Typically, you ride it out a bit as your plea deals typically get better as time goes on.

Although, I'm extremely unfamiliar with the "tell on everyone as quickly as possible" methodology.


captainvontage801 t1_j23wfq5 wrote

Yeah. Usually courts want a quick resolution. So the longer you can stretch it out the better deal you'll likely get. But the evidence against him is looking so damning. They are definitely going to make an example out of him. Usually the FBI takes many months if not years to investigate a case. They won't charge anyone unless they're basically sure it's gonna end in a conviction. That's why they have like a 99% conviction rate. Which is so crazy to me. So the quick nature of these indictments clearly shows how much evidence they have and how much trouble he's in. And everyone around him is singing like canaries and cooperating with the authorities. But what did this kid expect to happen?!? Would you trust any of these clowns to keep their mouth shut once those cuffs come on?! Hell No!