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onecrazyguy1 t1_j1mz8yg wrote

This is an idiotic comment. As a point though, although there are religious aspects to to the conflict(Ownership of Jerusalem and temple mount, ect..), it really has very little to do with religion anymore as much as it's about control of land and not wanting to be attacked.


Wotg33k t1_j1n16t8 wrote

It's not idiotic. It's naive to think that any human problem today is important at all.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to lose Ukraine or see genocide in Palestine. No thanks.

But none of that matters if we don't rein in our bullshit ON A GLOBAL, SPECIES LEVEL.

Really. What difference does it make if we save Palestine from Israel only to see that entire swath of the earth be uninhabitable?

That's what we're looking at here. Make no mistake. It's that serious. I'm not some insane mfr either. I just study shit and know stuff. Climate change is going to kill us all. This petty bullshit is just a grain of sand compared to that.