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freindlyfonzi t1_j2586xx wrote

The article conflates 'science' and 'policy'. Policy is very debatable and for some reason none of thats allowed anymore as authoritarianism seems to be steering the ship.


[deleted] t1_j25n65x wrote



divinitia t1_j25wui7 wrote

>One wonders, as more and more "fully vaxxed and boosted" people start showing complications like myocarditis, blood clots, miscarriages, and even "died suddenly"

And vastly more never had any life-threatening issues since being vaccinated, even on the off chance of catching covid

Don't forget that part


[deleted] t1_j25xwmq wrote



divinitia t1_j26c3ue wrote

>So far, that's true. Absolutely. That doesn't negate the fact that a small, but significant percentage of those taking the mRNA shots have had problems, up to and including death.

Which is perfectly reasonable for medication when the chances of that are a fraction of the combined chance of getting covid and then dying from it/facing serious health problems from it.

>That doesn't negate the fact that we have been repeatedly lied to.

You not understanding things doesn't mean you were lied to.

>Remember the halcyon days where we were all to get injected to save grandma, because we were taking a vaccine that prevented illness and transmission? Now we know those shots do neither of those things, and we're just kinda supposed to forget about all that.

Like which vaccines? who was supposed to forget what? The polio one? Which had and still has only a 90-99% chance of effectiveness? Perhaps the measles one with 93% chance of effectiveness? Maybe you're thinking of the mumps vaccine, the one with a 78% chance of effectiveness?

There has literally never been a 100% chance of effectiveness (nor does it NEED to be)for vaccines because that's not how biology works and perhaps you were just not educated enough to know that? That's not being lied to that's you not knowing information and the obvious fact that when enough people get vaccinated for these never been 100% effective vaccines then the combined herd immunity makes it near impossible for the virus to continue. That's what we did to polio for decades until people like you that are "just asking questions" decided to stop vaccinated and boom polios back. And measles. And mumps. And now apparently rubella too.

>If I took 4 or 5 polio vaccinations, and still came down with polio, I'd be having some questions.

And the answer would be "the polio vaccine is only 90-99% effective even after 3 doses and this has always been true and we've known this since the 50s". But guess what? Polio was eradicated in the US using this polio vaccine even though it still had a much much much much much much smaller number people coming down with polio (until you people cropped up).

>And speaking of adverse reactions, remember when we were all gonna die from the swine flu, and voila, we had a vaccine? Remember what happened? A small, but significant portion of the people who took those injections had adverse reactions, and those shots were pulled.

Are you talking about the recalls that were based on "adverse reactions" that turned out not to be linked at all to the swine flu vaccine?

>As stated, at some point, questions are going to be asked about why this was handled differently

It wasnt

> and why untruths were told and retold

They weren't

>and why questioning and dissent, even by medical professionals, was quashed.

Because it was founded on nothing by people like you who don't know much of anything and was killing people

Even now you're questioning these vaccines, despite PROOF that they work. That they lower transmission. That they lower the rate of death and serious health issues. You question these things, with proof all around you, WITH NO BASIS. You even brought up a vaccine recalled that was done because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU CLAIMING IT HAD RISKS WHEN IT DIDN'T AND WE HAVE PROOF THAT IT DIDN'T.

Are you starting to see why when you people cry wolf so many times that we start to ignore you?


[deleted] t1_j26fce7 wrote



divinitia t1_j26gwko wrote

>Thankfully, there are plenty of strong willed people who were able to resist the outrageous pressure to be repeatedly injected with an experimental drug. You can call us "the control group," which is important in any long term experiment.

And dropping like flies.

>And thankfully, there are doctors out there brave enough to take the heat and actually promote treatments, especially early treatments. For example, much of the Zelenko and FLCCC protocols involve vitamins and supplements. When's the last time your government clamped down on people taking vitamin C and D, for example? Zinc? How many generations of Americans took zinc losenges when they had a sore throat? Quercetin? And don't get me started on the vilification of HCQ and Ivermectin, both provably safe drugs administered world wide. But your government did its best to suppress those drugs, despite many doctors getting good results with them on covid patients.

Yes, you're right, there are plenty of doctors willing to make a quick buck off you by feeding you fake miracle drugs like ivermectin (that doesn't work). I heard there's a new one coming out made of this oil they make out of snakes, make sure you get on that.

>Can you remember any time when your government actively tried to keep provably safe medicines from people? Off label prescriptions are commonplace, but apparently, not acceptable with covid. Why? What happened to, medical decisions should be between you and your doctor, not you and the insurance company, or you and the government (or you and Pfizer)?

I think now I have to ask what country are we talking about? In the US nothing has been restricted. I can go to a store and by ivermectin (well, the dog doses, but that was always the case). I can go to a store and buy vitamin c and vitamin d and zinc. Is this different in your country?

Also does it ever get tiring larping as the action hero in some James Bond ripoff


Ok_Ninja_1602 t1_j28mjpj wrote

Strong willed? A lot of you straight-up died in hospitals or at home.


IdaDuck t1_j266bns wrote

It’s just anecdotal so it doesn’t mean much but in my own life I know several folks personally who were severely impacted by Covid. I don’t know anyone who was vaccinated that experienced more than about day of mild symptoms, at most. With some of this social media stuff you just need to get off it and see what’s happening around you in your community. I’m not saying nobody died or had some kind of severe reaction, I just think it’s a really small percentage. I think to date there have been close to 15 billion Covid vaccine doses administered. You couldn’t give out 15 billion chocolate chip cookies without some adverse results.


Dy4u t1_j28geyn wrote

But people are so antiscience nowadays they will just follow what is published, when I was a child it was taught that I ask questions when things don't add up. 🤔


meatspinimusprime t1_j28zevz wrote

Being anti-science is sometimes just questioning other humans. Just like science was used to justify slavery in the 1800s or them lying and saying the vaccine will prevent spread.


R_Meyer1 t1_j26m9r0 wrote

Yes if you believe that shit “Twitter Files” from corrupt Elon Musk. Funny how you continue to push censorship when you agree to a terms of service agreement when signing up. You have no free speech rights on social media.


[deleted] t1_j26mun1 wrote



trtlclb t1_j26o270 wrote

So FBI agents literally just notifying Twitter staff of ToS violations = fascism? I think further up you said they got paid, was that in the 'files' or are you just assuming?


[deleted] t1_j26oeza wrote



trtlclb t1_j28rr6p wrote

What's worse: Trump artificially spamming & amplifying socially-damaging lies, or the FBI requesting Twitter to look at particular posts on their platform that according to their ToS are not welcome? It's also worth noting... Both are totally legal. If there is a law broken here please point it out, and let's not resort to trash-tier sources like NYPost and DailyMail. If that's acceptable to you, it would be fair for me to start citing The Onion.

The reality is Twitter were still the primary arbiters of their platform, and decisions made were that of their leadership. I really don't care for your hyperbolic discourse, it's disingenuous. You are clearly not interested in having a proper back-and-forth here, you're just here to peddle a poor narrative and that's it. Very lame.


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_j28r6v3 wrote

100% happens on Reddit and it’s worse than Twitter in that regard. Post an article on FOIA release about gain of function funding post gets removed, mainstream publications alluding to Lab Leak removed.

Honestly I support the vaccines so I don’t like disinformation regarding them. But when it comes to the origins of Covid I hate the censorship


[deleted] t1_j26rbcq wrote



trtlclb t1_j28qxa0 wrote

Those scenarios make literally no sense, and don't validly compare what happened at Twitter in the slightest. If you need to use nonstop hyperbole to illustrate your point, you probably don't have much of a point.

If you can't recognize the danger that was posed when Trump started fomenting lies, never called out Qanon bullshit, then I have no desire to converse with you. I've tried that, and it goes nowhere. If you can admit that Qanon was a massive disinformation campaign constructed to support efforts to influence US politics & the minds of morons, and that Trump failed the nation by letting it go without demerit, then there is a chance we can have a productive conversation.

Final word if you can't do that: FBI's duties include investigating & reporting on domestic/INTL terrorism, cyber crime — among other relevant things. They didn't force compliance from Twitter, they were simply both aware of the obvious threat the combination of that kind of rhetoric and artificial amplification of messaging has.

Twitter has the right to work with government officials if they so choose, and if you want to tell me the FBI was wrong then show me the law that was broken, or the force that was applied to make them comply. If the twitter files actually had something of substance, I don't think you'd be peddling this kind of hyperbolic bullshit, so I'm going to just assume you're full of shit since the only sources you've provided with "evidence" are NYPost and DailyMail.


[deleted] t1_j28ske5 wrote



trtlclb t1_j28w411 wrote

When these things happened, it was largely Trump at the helm. What's your point? It wasn't illegal, and nice fake virtue-signaling, I'm sure all of that is as true as everything you've written or linked to on this thread.

Free speech is public speech against the government, not your speech on a private entity's website. They can enforce just about whatever arbitrary decisions they want to in regards to the content on their own private website. That is part of their free speech as a private entity. This poor take is based in a lack of understanding on free speech law, and was never a valid argument. If you disagree, show me the provision it breaks.

Do you also defend the unwell people screaming nonstop in Walmart with this incessant passion? They should be allowed to do that 24/7, no? It doesn't matter that they're in a private venue, since there are a lot of people there they should get this amorphous protection from private censor you seem to think Twitter users deserve, right?

If you were right and using your time wisely you'd be bringing this up to lawmakers, not spouting off the same tired takes on virtual forums. Your only option is to continue regurgitating the same points, however invalid they are, this is why it's pointless for me to keep talking lol, because you aren't even trying to have a real conversation. In real conversation, opinions change based on evidence & reason, but you have refused to allow your invalid opinions to be altered.

It's disingenuous and all of this Twitter bullshit is because you and people with the same stubborn, counter-productive attitude can't stand that lots of people know better & won't listen to you, but you refuse to understand the why. It's completely absurd. You just push forward and act like by sheer will you will get your way, eventually. What happens when an immovable object meets another immovable object, though? What makes you believe your will is so special? The only way this ends is through you becoming introspective enough, or you losing your shit completely because "I'M RIGHT AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT!"


[deleted] t1_j28znte wrote



trtlclb t1_j293dgt wrote

I'm glad you were able to cut some of the disingenuous crap and give a real, heartfelt response here, that's a positive change from 99% of the conversations I've had like this, but you do realize Trump is himself a massive lifelong cheater, right? You don't need to know much about the guy to realize that, a basic understanding of his family & his personal history makes it obvious.

Of course that isn't to say the left is totally bereft of wrongdoing — there are some loose ends on the left too, c'est la vie, and absolutely some serious wrongdoing — but the magnitudes & consistency are what separate them. The only reason you still feel certainty is the hyperbolic nature you've been fed those half truths.

Dig into those as hard as you dug into Qanon crap and you'll have some painful, but massively long-term beneficial results, both intrinsically and extrinsically. It's just coincidentally the last thing you may feel like doing, but it needs to be done in my opinion. That isn't to say you're doing a shit job overall — I'm sure in many ways you're a great person — but in some regards it's certainly true, that's true of everybody including myself. Nobody is perfect.

If you take even a cursory review of his presidential run & patterns of operation during his presidency, you should see the poorly reflecting connections, the unscrupulous acts, but because he was constantly deflecting to "but the left <insert dividing half truth here>" you bought it all, hook line & sinker and apparently haven't thought twice about it since. Remember deep state? And how effectively zero came of it? Yet, he managed to auspiciously stack courts & ironically install his own version of a deep state. Strange, don't you think?

You're his patsy. His enabler. And you know what... Maybe he is a genius, because he had the foresight to see that you would happily play that role until it rotted you from inside to out. Look at yourself! You're so hateful towards bogeymen on the left for actions he has committed personally while holding the highest office of our nation, all while driving a massively polarizing narrative to divide the left and right. And still you sit here and pretend he is a paragon of good. Man, he really is good. Again, just to be clear, there are similar efforts across the political spectrum at play — at all times — if I don't point this seemingly obvious thing out usually people just assume otherwise for some reason.

Naturally, though, Trump is only a cog in the machine that designed the strategy, but still, look at yourself today in 2022 -- he certainly pulled something of significance off, regardless if he was the hand or the puppet. Perhaps a fair counterpoint here would be to point out how dazzling Obama's oration skills were which did similar things to some on the left. I get the feeling this back-and-forth will continue until the end of time, though... At the end of the day, we're all just pawns in another's grand game of chess.


[deleted] t1_j294ktz wrote



trtlclb t1_j296agp wrote

No, that is an absurdly hyperbolic, poor take on my position that is reflective of the media you've been consuming for the last few years. I made some significant edits to that last reply while you were replying it looks like, so might be worth a reread.

For what it's worth, I will never resort to violence, or encouraging violence towards any political opponent, like what you've described just now — but I do think those who attack the unity of our nation through lies need to be tempered. That applies to everyone left or right, not a single person. It needs to be done with reality in mind, though.

A lot of what set off the right on the MSM can be accurately boiled down to human error from the necessity of a news reporting on events as they happen — it would be insane to think they wouldn't make mistakes, or view things from their own biased lens. No one is free of bias after all.

Again, the dividing rhetoric was fueled by hyperbole from many pundits in unison on the right. Hyperbole is not a right-leaning politically-exclusive tool, but in that situation there was some uniqueness in the employment of it among those who did it. In fairness, we saw some of that from the left during the COVID as well. Again, not politically-exclusive.

Just curious, how would you illustrate a realistic future where we actually are able to put most of this nonsense behind us and reunite? To me, it's going to have to be very somber, painfully boring, involve a gratuitous amount of humility, and incredibly saddening for many for the quality time lost in exchange for effectively nothing. Yet, we do need to get there eventually, otherwise we all fail.