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YourFatherUnfiltered t1_j28grmw wrote

why are you so slow on the uptake, bro? You have got to be a teenager to respond like this. So empty and without thought.... and if not? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THATS SAD.

its not just about listening to idiots on the internet. its about things being posted as factual information from sources that are supposed to be credible that are deliberately misleading and other people not knowing the difference and then spreading it some more. Stupid people do not live in a vacuum as we can all clearly see by you and the fool below this comment posting stupid shit thats been disproven repeatedly.

especially when its about a viral contagion.

good lord, man. THINK!

i cant believe im even having to point this out to you.... god damn...but do you know what the word VIRAL means and why we use it? maybe that will make it make sense to you.

un-fucking-believable. Its no wonder the pandemic became the issue it did with people like you walking around.