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nova9001 t1_izhzwva wrote

>Work on developing it is already under way - with the aim to create a combat aircraft that will provide speed stealth, use advanced sensors and even artificial intelligence to assist the human pilot when they are overwhelmed, or under extreme stress.

It could also be flown without a pilot's input if required and could be able to fire hypersonic missiles.

Pretty sure everything will be AI assisted in the future. Even some consumer electronics are starting to have AI tech implemented in them.


blimpyway t1_izidx41 wrote

Basically it's a sky Roomba


Tugendwaechter t1_izk744q wrote

Patrolling the airspace and shooting down everything that fails a friend or foe challenge.


hdksjabsjs t1_izi0jsd wrote

Pretty sure it’s a bad fucking idea and we shouldn’t do it


g-nice4liief t1_izi3gk9 wrote

A.i. does not exist yet. It's an algorithm made out of alot of if else, case/switch statements on which a machine learning model makes the decisions within the source code how to react or what actions to perform. It's all human curated, and mostly developed. A real AI will start without code, without inference learning and will learn on it's own like a baby would.

The world is run by algorithms. A.I. is just the marketing term they use as it sounds more fancy than 'algorithm'


rgahewitt t1_izi9j3n wrote

That's like saying something doesn't exist because it is all just maths.


g-nice4liief t1_izj9fnm wrote

I'm saying that it does not exist because there does not exist a sentient computer or software in general in which we can have a human interaction. If there was, then it would be called an A.I.

Currently it's all machine learning.


trtlclb t1_izmjs23 wrote

Tell me something, how do you decide what to do next?


g-nice4liief t1_izmt8ha wrote

My decisions are made explicitly whenever my conscious combines beliefs and values in order to choose a course of action. They are made implicitly whenever one relies on a ritualized response (habit, tradition) to cope with a choice between options.

We train A.I. to make the same decision instead of the A.I. learning itself to create decision. We need to tell what the A.I. needs to learn and how it needs to create decisions while A human consciousness is more flexible and can even sometimes go against our beliefs and values.


trtlclb t1_izocl3j wrote

I think you're romanticizing consciousness. We are logical creatures and we make logical choices, much like an AI is programmed to. Of course, we have the ability to pull a wild card, but that's just an inversion of the same logic, which is programmatically possible as well.

Your beliefs and values are the datasets you've been provided with, which you base your decisions on. If {statement} is true, then {something} else {something else} is quite an accurate summation of our own decision making process, regardless of how you want to pretend it is more than that.


cyon_me t1_izi3yyd wrote

I believe a hellfire missile launcher can be entirely controlled by the computer. Most of the operations concerning radar and signal jamming in military tech is already done by computers. The human hand and mind is not connected enough or fast enough to notice when radar is being jammed and switch to a different form of tracking.

In other words, this headline is clickbait.


LiberalFartsMajor t1_izi88uo wrote

Great, I guess AI can go on a general strike for us because we're too complacent to do it.


simonmagus616 t1_izjkpvo wrote

Yeah, I think we’ll see the next generation of fighter jets going “pilot optional.”