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nova9001 t1_izhzwva wrote

>Work on developing it is already under way - with the aim to create a combat aircraft that will provide speed stealth, use advanced sensors and even artificial intelligence to assist the human pilot when they are overwhelmed, or under extreme stress.

It could also be flown without a pilot's input if required and could be able to fire hypersonic missiles.

Pretty sure everything will be AI assisted in the future. Even some consumer electronics are starting to have AI tech implemented in them.


blimpyway t1_izidx41 wrote

Basically it's a sky Roomba


Tugendwaechter t1_izk744q wrote

Patrolling the airspace and shooting down everything that fails a friend or foe challenge.


hdksjabsjs t1_izi0jsd wrote

Pretty sure it’s a bad fucking idea and we shouldn’t do it


g-nice4liief t1_izi3gk9 wrote

A.i. does not exist yet. It's an algorithm made out of alot of if else, case/switch statements on which a machine learning model makes the decisions within the source code how to react or what actions to perform. It's all human curated, and mostly developed. A real AI will start without code, without inference learning and will learn on it's own like a baby would.

The world is run by algorithms. A.I. is just the marketing term they use as it sounds more fancy than 'algorithm'


rgahewitt t1_izi9j3n wrote

That's like saying something doesn't exist because it is all just maths.


g-nice4liief t1_izj9fnm wrote

I'm saying that it does not exist because there does not exist a sentient computer or software in general in which we can have a human interaction. If there was, then it would be called an A.I.

Currently it's all machine learning.


trtlclb t1_izmjs23 wrote

Tell me something, how do you decide what to do next?


g-nice4liief t1_izmt8ha wrote

My decisions are made explicitly whenever my conscious combines beliefs and values in order to choose a course of action. They are made implicitly whenever one relies on a ritualized response (habit, tradition) to cope with a choice between options.

We train A.I. to make the same decision instead of the A.I. learning itself to create decision. We need to tell what the A.I. needs to learn and how it needs to create decisions while A human consciousness is more flexible and can even sometimes go against our beliefs and values.


trtlclb t1_izocl3j wrote

I think you're romanticizing consciousness. We are logical creatures and we make logical choices, much like an AI is programmed to. Of course, we have the ability to pull a wild card, but that's just an inversion of the same logic, which is programmatically possible as well.

Your beliefs and values are the datasets you've been provided with, which you base your decisions on. If {statement} is true, then {something} else {something else} is quite an accurate summation of our own decision making process, regardless of how you want to pretend it is more than that.


cyon_me t1_izi3yyd wrote

I believe a hellfire missile launcher can be entirely controlled by the computer. Most of the operations concerning radar and signal jamming in military tech is already done by computers. The human hand and mind is not connected enough or fast enough to notice when radar is being jammed and switch to a different form of tracking.

In other words, this headline is clickbait.


LiberalFartsMajor t1_izi88uo wrote

Great, I guess AI can go on a general strike for us because we're too complacent to do it.


simonmagus616 t1_izjkpvo wrote

Yeah, I think we’ll see the next generation of fighter jets going “pilot optional.”


Uranus_Hz t1_izi2f3l wrote

We ALL know how terribly wrong this could go.

But we need to recognize that the tech to do it exists, therefore SOMEONE will do it.


mvfsullivan t1_iziga5s wrote



AI drones have probably existed for 20 years already. Remember, it took the world 50 years to get the internet before it was tossed away by the military.


BewaretheBanshee t1_izi14n5 wrote

…y’all seen “Stealth”? This is how you get “Stealth”.


Cyno01 t1_izi338x wrote

>Box office
>The film cost $135 million to produce (excluding advertising costs) and was released in 3,495 theaters, but had an opening weekend of only $13.3 million for an average of only $3,792 per theater, peaking at 4th place behind Wedding Crashers, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Sky High. It then lost 55% of its audience in its second weekend dropping to 7th place to $5.9 million, while remaining at 3,495 theaters and averaging just $1,695 per theater. In its third weekend, it lost 1,455 theaters, and a further 64 percent of its audience, dropping to 11th, with just $2.2 million, for an average of just $1,055 from 2,040 theaters.
>It ended up making $32.1 million in the United States and Canada, and $47.2 million internationally, for a total worldwide gross of $79.3 million, making it the biggest money loser in a series of financial disasters released by Columbia Pictures in 2005 next to XXX: State of the Union, Bewitched, Rent, Zathura, Into the Blue, Man of the House and Lords of Dogtown.

No, no one saw Stealth.


spankybacon t1_izi7941 wrote

I watched all of those movies. But none in the theater.


g-nice4liief t1_izi3lsj wrote

You should check out yukikaze. A great anime about a man (pilot) and machine (A.I. enhanced plane) becoming a new lifeforms while raging a war. Pretty captivating story and it's won multiple prices for the production quality. There even was a game !


Fearsome_Noise t1_izi5fal wrote

It would have been a better headline had it been, "Japan, Italy, and Germany...".


Peace_Hopeful t1_izin3bz wrote

I've seen this before, and the set up is pretty similar.


___zach_b t1_izhz9pr wrote

This is a bad idea


cpancoast t1_izi4d35 wrote

Do you want Skynet? Because this is how you get Skynet…


Insult_critic t1_izi1qdk wrote

Why would we automate war. This is some 451 shit.


SwissDeathstar t1_izi214t wrote

It makes more profit. And is more efficient.


ThePu55yDestr0yr t1_izk2gk6 wrote

It’s gonna make people and politicians complacent

see whatever of Star Trek og why this is a bad idea, also every techno dystopian movie ever


TofuTigerteeth t1_izi1mon wrote

I for one welcome our new robot overlords.


Entropy- t1_izi6m93 wrote

Dope. Can’t wait for the new ace combat game inspired by these fighter jets


marketrent OP t1_izhzj9o wrote


>Rishi Sunak is set to announce a collaboration between the UK, Italy and Japan to develop a new fighter jet that uses artificial intelligence.

>The nations will develop a next generation fighter - due to enter service in the mid-2030s - that will eventually replace the Typhoon jet.

>It is hoped the new Tempest jet will carry the latest weapons.

>But building such a complex aircraft is extremely expensive - developing the F35 jet was the most expensive programme ever undertaken by the Pentagon - so Britain has been looking for partners.

>Italy was already on board, and the addition of Japan is a significant move - at a time when Britain is building closer ties with allies in the Indo-Pacific region worried about a more assertive China.

>Other countries could still join the programme. France, Germany and Spain are already working together on their own separate design - as is the United States.

Jonathan Beale, 9 December 2022.

Further reading:

>The Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) is a new partnership and ambitious endeavour between the UK, Japan and Italy to deliver the next generation of combat air fighter jets.

>Due to take to the skies by 2035, the ambition is for this to be a next-generation jet enhanced by a network of capabilities such as uncrewed aircraft, advanced sensors, cutting-edge weapons and innovative data systems.

>The combat aircraft developed through GCAP is also expected to be compatible with other NATO partners’ fighter jets.

PM announces new international coalition to develop the next generation of combat aircraft, 9 December 2022,


Narvarre t1_izi2bjs wrote

E,D,I, is the whole idea Talon 1.

Though EDI was bro in the end


Get-Degerstromd t1_izi5j74 wrote

They’re called Hunter Killers and they’re very NOT COOL


Open_Chemistry_3300 t1_izi6zkc wrote

If the time table of the F-35 is anything to go off of this jet won’t be ready until at least 2075, after that I guess the glorious machine revolution


ScootysDad t1_izil5s9 wrote

After San Francisco supervisors approved the arming of police robots, not to be out done, UK, Italy and Japan going to one up San Francisco by building AI fighter jets.

It's inevitable but seriously?


Tbone_Trapezius t1_izivgr7 wrote

They’re going to take off, turn around, and destroy the weapons producers after realizing you can’t have wars without them.


rgahewitt t1_izjbmic wrote

Well, that depends on the definition of AI doesn't it?

If AI is defined as being inclusive of ML then QED.

One could go further and say any decision or computation previously only performed by an organic being that is being performed by a mechanical one is included. Therefore evenThe Difference Engine could be defined as AI

AI inherits all the fuzziness of two imprecise terms. Artifical and Intelligence It is a semantic argument rather than a factual one.


ReturnOfSeq t1_izjjhwj wrote

The dystopian future is now


Least_Wait4629 t1_izk4jw7 wrote

I hope it at least gives us a great concert.


Konras t1_izkcvgw wrote

And can treat you with whisky, wine or sake after successful mission.


autotldr t1_izl7gbv wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot)

> Rishi Sunak has announced a collaboration between the UK, Italy and Japan to develop a new fighter jet that uses artificial intelligence.

> The hope is that developing a new fighter jet could create and sustain thousands of UK jobs and open doors to more arms exports.

> "The international partnership we have announced today with Italy and Japan aims to do just that, underlining that the security of the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions are indivisible."The next-generation of combat aircraft we design will protect us and our allies around the world by harnessing the strength of our world-beating defence industry - creating jobs while saving lives.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: jet^#1 Italy^#2 Japan^#3 security^#4 new^#5


autotldr t1_izl7hv5 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot)

> Rishi Sunak has announced a collaboration between the UK, Italy and Japan to develop a new fighter jet that uses artificial intelligence.

> The hope is that developing a new fighter jet could create and sustain thousands of UK jobs and open doors to more arms exports.

> "The international partnership we have announced today with Italy and Japan aims to do just that, underlining that the security of the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions are indivisible."The next-generation of combat aircraft we design will protect us and our allies around the world by harnessing the strength of our world-beating defence industry - creating jobs while saving lives.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: jet^#1 Italy^#2 Japan^#3 security^#4 new^#5


autotldr t1_izl7id6 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot)

> Rishi Sunak has announced a collaboration between the UK, Italy and Japan to develop a new fighter jet that uses artificial intelligence.

> The hope is that developing a new fighter jet could create and sustain thousands of UK jobs and open doors to more arms exports.

> "The international partnership we have announced today with Italy and Japan aims to do just that, underlining that the security of the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions are indivisible."The next-generation of combat aircraft we design will protect us and our allies around the world by harnessing the strength of our world-beating defence industry - creating jobs while saving lives.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: jet^#1 Italy^#2 Japan^#3 security^#4 new^#5


eXAKR t1_izi4vl6 wrote

I’m sure there was a bad movie about why this is a bad idea some time back…


hurtfulproduct t1_izi46d0 wrote

UK, Italy, and Japan team up to develop new fighter jet. . . Ok sounds good, why not, they are all friendly nations what could go wrong?. . .

That uses artificial intelligence. . . Ok who hasn’t seen Stealth, The Terminator, T2, The Matrix, or forgot to run this by a committee of any kind? This shit is a bad idea, is is how you get a nuclear winter from robots.


ratt_man t1_izidbz2 wrote

Us is going their way with NGAD(USAF) and FA-XX (USN)


France, Germany and Spain are going with FCAS


Sweden is observer status with tempest and will likely in my opinion join as a full partner


Australia / Boeing might also be a partner with the US and Tempest programs with Ghost bat / Loyal Wingman


VI-loser t1_izi2ahu wrote

Let's see....

Russia has already proven that stealth tech won't stop even the S300, let alone their more advanced systems.

B52s are more than good enough to carry long range missiles to be launched at a stand-off range.

While Russia is still flying about 200 sorties or more a day, few of them penetrate Ukraine airspace even though the AFU has a terribly coordinated air defense. No need.

The change has been compared to the obsolescence of the Battleship in WWII. Manned aircraft like the F35 are no longer viable when precision drones can be used instead.


cyon_me t1_izi5d6k wrote

Russia doesn't have Stealth though. Also, do you really think you want a giant radio signal to your "stealth" aircraft? If so, then the stuff that you're relying on is to make it hard to hit, not to hide it (you'll need a manned support aircraft to keep up with it if you don't want the signal to be hijacked or jammed). This is a valid form of stealth, but it's not the fantasy-like stealth that the B-2 has. Also, drones are valuable in their effectiveness to cost ratio. As the US knows in Russia should have learned by now, human lives are extremely expensive, so a combat drone does make sense. However, don't expect it to dogfight. Dogfighting died with over-the-horizon targeting capabilities on planes (planes can magically explode [the missile is fast enough to blink through the attack], and they never saw their enemies).

Sorry about how I started this. I'm not deleting it because people need to put this in perspective. I'm not editing it because I'm tired.