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bishopcheck t1_j60fjh4 wrote

Not really. This company is one of the very few that is storing the Co2. Per the companies website

>Geological storage of CO₂ is the process of injecting the captured CO₂ into the pores of rock formations deep underground, where carbon dioxide is physically trapped and then permanently stored. It is a fully natural and safe solution as it is only accelerating a natural process, plus it is permanent, as it is stable for millennia.

Unlike most others companies, like the ones funded by Bill Gates, that are planning to resell the Co2, in w/e form they find most profitable.


Regula_Guy t1_j624ojs wrote

Did you watch the entire video? He talks about Orca, which is the previous plant by this same company, which is using the sequestration process you're talking about.


PropOnTop t1_j62g26f wrote

Why not address the points in the video?

It sure convinced me.


jchexl t1_j64s2bp wrote

Because he didn’t even watch the video lol, he just assumed what it would be about. And assumed wrong.