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GoldWallpaper t1_j4t6h7s wrote

> But the costs of losing to Chinese companies will hurt us citizens too.

Funny, that's what some of us tried to argue in the '90s. China is an industrial superpower because the US -- under President Bill Clinton, and a Republican Congress joined by conservative Dems including Biden -- decided that outsourcing US jobs to China was a great idea. Those of us who fought against it were called anti-business socialist liars at the time.

Ten years after that we were called terrorist traitors for speaking out agains the Iraq War, which was also supported by a Republican Congress and joined by conservative Dems including Biden (and HR Clinton).

Being correct isn't that hard when the truth is so fucking obvious.


lecali4011atdrloutan t1_j4tqcrg wrote

Don’t simplify things. There is a different between buying toys and textiles from China and medicines and computers. Early on it was win win. Now it’s dangerous. There is more on the line now. I suggest we disengage and I’ll bet you’d agree. Not sure why Iraq came up but cool.