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mredofcourse t1_j2tupw8 wrote

Counter argument:

Maybe don't do this at least not as a routine as the author suggests, nor at the levels the author suggests. I've never done this on my iPhone, although I'm imagining it was cleared when I transferred to a new iPhone on September 16. My cache is at 128.4MB. That certainly doesn't seem like much in terms of either storage space or what would bog down web browsing.

Cache serves a purpose and can really speeds things up as it's loading data locally as opposed to fetching over the Internet. Unless Safari, Chrome, etc... are absolute sh*t at managing cache, it's likely to be purged before hit-misses on cache slow things down.

Further, as the author states...

>clearing your cache also signs you out of pages, so be prepared to sign in to everything again.

That's likely to consume far more time.

I could see doing this if you're experiencing problems or if your cache was huge, but otherwise, doing this as if it's some needed routine is just baselessly assuming that Chrome, Safari, etc... aren't properly managing their caches.


pseudocultist t1_j2txwdh wrote

CNET is basically Business Insider level these days. If they’re telling you to do something with your phone or computer, probably ignore it.