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RepulsiveVoid t1_j3r3ohg wrote

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the people who were target of this "AI Chatbot" would in the future, dismiss most help that they felt might be artificial. This was a huge breach of trust and what makes it worse is that it was used on maybe the most vunreable people seeking help.

If I found out that my therapy wasn't done by a human and instead by a "AI Chatbot", when originally I'd been given the impression that it was indeed a human I was chatting with, I would start to ruthlessly block contacts that feel weird or off.

I have only a minor issue with paranoia. What about people that have much worse paranoia issues, they could, in worst case isolate themselves from society completely thinking that everything is a AI bot/lie.


techhouseliving t1_j3w5twf wrote

I would say that most interactions in the future will be mediated by ai, much like most interactions will be mediated visually the same way... I feel for those people. It's going to drive a lot of people mad.


RepulsiveVoid t1_j3w8qsg wrote

I don't mind using these programs and machines to chat with you or to comment on reddit or other places if there is a human on the other end.

But if such a time comes that I believe most, or all, of my digital contacts are bots and not humans, I see no point in continuing that chat or comment chain or any of it really. Why would I waste my time with a bot/AI that pretends to be human? There is nothing for me to gain in that exchange, while the program will use all kinds of algorithms to scrape every piece of information about me that is possible. It's simply a waste of my time, completely useless to me, to continue such a biased relationship.