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uleekunkel t1_j5ccgfs wrote

Sure, I'm not suggesting it isn't. But there's a difference with hospitality where you have to be open and have people physically present X number of hours per week or you can't deliver what you're selling.

I have a quality bar I have to keep with what I deliver, but staring at datasets has a point of diminishing returns. At a certain point I have to start making hypothesis and designing tests and that doesn't always look like me typing furiously. And it can happen at 9pm as easily as 11am.

There is fluff in tech, there's fluff in just about any large organization in any large industry. But what the work looks like is probably not perceptible except my peers and boss.

For what it's worth I want to break into hospitality (small occupancy hotels)


throwaway92715 t1_j5dsoju wrote

The difference in hospitality is that if you and your team do a really good job, the restaurant might double its profits for a night. In tech, if you and your team hit it just right, your firm could qualify for nine figures of progressive funding and IPO with a multibillion dollar market cap, catapulting the owner's wealth into the 0.01%. Guess which one is gonna pay six figures.

A restaurant is limited by the size of its kitchen, the number of seats, local demand, parking... A tech company is not nearly as limited by scale factors like that.

Tech companies are usually limited by their high risk of failure, but that risk is mainly held by the investors, not the owners and employees. If you can get funding, you can pay yourself gravy for as long as it lasts, as long as you don't violate a contract or screw yourself some other way.

Some are just grifters who are bluffing. Others really are potential billionaires with brilliant ideas. It's a gamble. People gamble when they're flush with cash, and the upper class in the US has been for awhile.


Dissenting_voice t1_j5cd6gk wrote

For the love of god, stay out of hospitality.

E. Lol, ok. Forget what I said. Get in to hospitality. In fact, I will sell you everything! Oh, and be sure not to do any research. Your passion and good idea is all you need.


quantumfucker t1_j5ddmg2 wrote

I don’t think anyone wants to leave tech for hospitality lmao


uleekunkel t1_j5dea8a wrote

If you're in tech and surrounded by coworkers who love their tech jobs I wish I had that.